Movie Quote Quiz

Colonel Jonathan Jack O'Neil: Your job here is to realign the Stargate. Can you do that or not?
Dr. Daniel Jackson: I can't.

Ra: I am no longer amused.

Colonel Jonathan "Jack" O'Neil: I'm here in case you succeed.

Ra: There can be only one Ra.

Lt. General W.O. West: So you think you've solved in fourteen days what they couldn't solve in two years?

Colonel Jonathan "Jack" O'Neil: Give my regards to King Tut, asshole.

Dr. Daniel Jackson: I don't wanna die. Your men don't wanna die. And, these people don't wanna die. It's a shame you're in such a hurry to.

Factual error: The military ranks for everyone but O'Neil are wrong. O'Neil is a Colonel (Full bird), Kawalsky is wearing the insignia of a Lt Colonel, but is referred to by O'Neil simply as Lt., when he should be called Colonel. All the others are wearing enlisted stripes (Ferretti - TSgt, but is credited as Lieutenant Ferretti), the others are also credited as "Lieutenant", but wearing enlisted stripes.

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Trivia: The producers, the casting agents, really wanted Jaye Davidson, from "The Crying Game", to play the head bad guy, but Jaye said, "No more movies", so they kept upping the money they would pay him - this is before actors nowadays get phenomenal money - and it was only when they got to a million dollars that he said yes.


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Question: Why would Ra be afraid of an uprising? He's got alien technology that he can fire at the people to keep them in line. Even if the people knew the truth, he could still use what he had to make sure everyone never opposed him, considering they had no technology to defend themselves.

Answer: A human uprising forced Ra to leave Earth thousands of years ago. He likely fears a second one could actually destroy him.

Captain Defenestrator

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