John Hammond: All major theme parks have had delays. When they opened Disneyland in 1956, nothing worked, nothing.
Ian Malcolm: But, John, if the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists.

Luigi: Do you eat?
Princess Daisy: Yes.
Luigi: Dinner?
Princess Daisy: Yes.
Luigi: Tonight?

John Spartan: Brake! Brake! Brake now, you Mickey Mouse-piece of shit!

Nancy Archer: Missed me?
Harry Archer: I don't suppose you want to hear my side of this?

Athletic Cone: I have learned much from watching the Garthok battle. It has weaknesses. I believe I can take it.
Beldar Conehead: Uh-huh. And let me know when Elvis gets here.

Steven Freeman: Duke! The part about being reborn through a Voorhees woman, does it have to be a living woman?
Creighton Duke: No.
Steven Freeman: Duke, that thing is in the basement with Jessica's dead mother.
Creighton Duke: Holy mother of God.

Mike Rogers: And if any of you got anything to say about me or my crew, you say it now, and you say it to my face.

Mercy: Remember that the difference between champ and chump is U.