Robert Campbell: I'm going to say a couple of words to you and I want you to say the first thing that comes into your mind.
Creighton Duke: Okay.
Robert Campbell: Jason Voorhees.
Creighton Duke: That makes me think of a little girl in a pink dress sticking a hot dog through a doughnut.
Creighton Duke: I'll have a Voorhees burger and a side of Jason fingers.
Luke: We're going to Camp Crystal Lake.
Steven Freeman: Oh, yeah? Planning on smoking a little dope, having a little premarital sex and getting slaughtered?
Security Guard #2: Say, Doc! What's the verdict? Is Jason gonna be gettin' up and walkin' around any time soon?
Security Guard #1: We really nailed that fucker.
Security Guard #2: He was nothing but a big old pussy anyway.
Steven Freeman: Duke! The part about being reborn through a Voorhees woman, does it have to be a living woman?
Creighton Duke: No.
Steven Freeman: Duke, that thing is in the basement with Jessica's dead mother.
Creighton Duke: Holy mother of God.
Answer: There isn't much of a feasible in-movie explanation. In truth, the entire scene was added by the director because he felt the movies were pretty sexist in that it was mostly women who were either nude or sexualized. Thus, he added an inherently homo-erotic sequence involving one man shaving another stripped man to "level the playing field" so-to-speak. The only real explanation I could think of is that maybe the creature just thought it'd feel uncomfortable transferring to a man with a mustache. But even that's shaky at best.