Corrected entry: When Jack drives through the pond you very see a hubcap come off. When he drives out all four are on.

Corrected entry: In the movie, Meg Ryan runs into the Empire State Building and begs to be allowed to go to the observation deck. In reality, Meg would've had to wait in the ticket line for an observation deck ticket and then in line to board an elevator to the top of the building. No one is allowed on the observation deck without a ticket.
Correction: She wasn't in line because there was no one there, since it was closing. The security guard made the decision to let her go up, because he felt bad for her.

Corrected entry: When Halle Berry and Omar Epps are walking through the campus together and she's telling him that she needs to be with her boyfriend instead of him, Omar Epps stops her to say something and we hear him say "Why?" But his lips never move. It's a really bad dubbing job.
Correction: It's easy to say "Why?" without moving your lips. Try it.

Corrected entry: Just after the gentleman mentions Julie's little girl's death along with Patrice's, he refers to her as five years old. The TV camera televising the funeral pans to her casket and it is engraved with her birth and death dates, showing her to have been seven years old.
Correction: He got the age wrong. Character mistake.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the Jamaicans are watching the bobsled team in action, we can see the blackboard monitoring the countries times. Russia is one of the countries, however in 1988 Russia was not formed and was known as the USSR.
Correction: At the time the terms USSR, Soviet Union, and Russia were commonly used interchangably, so it is possible and entirely plausible that the listing of USSR is as Russia.

Corrected entry: At the end of the Georgia Tech game, when the Irish need to get the defense back on the field so Rudy can play, and a half-back pass play is called, the quarterback speaks to Jamie O'Hara, the Notre Dame half-back, played by Vince Vaughn, and doesn't call him "Jamie" but instead calls him by the actor's name, "Vinnie." (01:45:40)
Correction: He calls him Jamie, it's just hard to hear over the crowd and other players.

Corrected entry: When Denzel Washington is photographing 'Garcia' at the pay phone, he never touches the shutter button on the camera. Washington is holding a phone with one hand and supporting the camera on a monopod with the other. (00:28:25)
Correction: The shot goes back and forth from seeing Gray talking to Garcia on the phone and then shots of Garcia in the payphone booth. The clicks actually occur during the shots of Garcia, we don't see Gray.

Corrected entry: The movie shows Frank McLaury being the last one killed during the gunfight. Actually, Billy Clanton was the last one to die. After Frank was killed, Billy got off his last shot, the one that caught Morgan in the shoulder. (01:16:16)
Correction: Several of the chronological events are compressed or switched around, by the filmmakers, using creative license to tell the story in a dramatic and coherent manner. The movie is "based on true events"; it never represents itself to be the end-all-and-be-all historical account.

Corrected entry: A live bull is lowered in a sling to feed the raptors in the pen, but when the shredded sling is brought back up, there's no blood on it. How could they have shredded the sling without drawing blood on the bull? (00:32:40)
Correction: The sling is solid light blue with yellow stripes when it's lowered, and when it's raised the shredded blue material is quite stained, though it may not be gorily dripping in bright red blood, there are indeed dark stains (red stains on blue material change color) all over what's left of the blue material.

Corrected entry: The movie is set in the 1970's. In the scene where Al Pacino goes somewhere in Broadway to see his ex girlfriend performing and when she meets him at the table where he's siting, she orders a Diet Coke. There was no diet Pepsi or Diet Coke or any other sort of diet soda back in the 1970's. They all came out in the early 1980's.
Correction: Diet Pepsi was introduced in 1964.
Correction: She does in fact order a Diet Pepsi, which was available in the 70's.

Corrected entry: Mario says about his girlfriend "I promised to take her to Wrestlemania." The problem is that Wrestlemania took place in Las Vegas that year. The event took place in NYC's MSG the following year.
Correction: He could have planned to take her to Las Vegas for the event. It is never stated that they are going to Wrestlemania in New York.

Corrected entry: When Richard Kimble is walking, there is one shot of him walking into a train tunnel. The camera is mounted on top of a train and the train is clearly visible at the bottom of the screen. You see the train for a few seconds and then you see the shot focusing in on Richard, as if they've just discovered their mistake.
Correction: This is not a mistake as such as it only appears in the full frame version of the movie. Originally the film was shot on 4:3 film but framed for 1.85:1 presentation. The final negative would then have been masked top and bottom so any information outside of the widescreen area could not be seen (including in this instance the edge of the train). However on the 4:3 home video version, rather than cropping the picture and losing information at the side of the screen, a compromise has been made and the negative has been unmasked instead which, while revealing more detail at the top and bottom of the screen, now allows the train to be seen.

Corrected entry: On the plane, Topper uses his knife to spear a pop-can and uses the knife as a straw. It's obvious that he spears one type of can, but in the shot when he picks it up the can looks different.
Correction: I don't see how anybody could come to this conclusion. There's only one can.

Corrected entry: In the beginning when the boy runs after his sister to save her from the witch, it is morning and it is light outside. After he looks in the window of the Sanderson house, it is dark outside.
Correction: No it's not. If you look behind him you can really bright blue sky of an early morning.

Corrected entry: At the beginning of the movie when the insides of lockers are being shown, one of them has a picture of Jack Nicholson from The Shining. (From his famous, "Here's Johnny" scene) However, this movie didn't come out until the early 1980's. Dazed and Confused is set in May, 1976.
Correction: The picture wasn't from "The Shining", but rather from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest".

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie the demons pull Jason down and he is tightly wearing his mask, but the next shot is his mask laying on the ground that Freddy comes back up to get.
Correction: It is on purpose to create the tension for the Freddy vs. Jason movie because it is Freddy's glove that pulls Jason's mask under and it might have been discarded by the demons.

Corrected entry: At the end, when Mark is locked in the room, he doesn't have his jacket on. After he breaks the glass and his uncle and the doctor run in he's in such a hurry to run out of the house before they get him. When we see Mark outside he has his jacket on. There was no way he could have had time to stop, get his jacket, and put it on.
Correction: This was explained in a deleted scene. His coat was lying somewhere and he ran, picked it up and put it on while running.

Corrected entry: In the TV version, when they changed all instances of Darian's name to Adrian, they forgot one part. At the end, when Nick is going through the dozens of letters she has sent him, the return addresses say Darian, or D. Forrester, etc.
Correction: They probably did at first, but they don't anymore. They have gone back and changed them so that they have either A. or Adrian now.

Corrected entry: When Gabe is climbing alone he zaps the rock with a 'bolt gun' however as he is not using any rope or other climbing gear there is no need.
Correction: Professional "free hand" climbers will often place hook on cliffs they climb for other, less experienced climbers. They do work in a national park, with lots of vacationers climbing yearly.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Gunther is sitting in his backyard playing with an apple, Switchbade Sam walks up to him and stabs the apple right out of Gunther's hand. If you look at it in slow motion you can see that the hand holding the apple as Sam stabs it is plastic.
Correction: Slow motion is not a movie mistake, as the rules state.
Correction: Both, front & rear hubcabs, fall off. Front when driving past the fence. Rear when car hits the water revealing white wheels.