Corrected entry: During the scene when the guards storm the house to find the hidden Jews in the ghetto, the piece that the guard is playing on the piano is the Prelude from Bach's English Suite in A minor. Which means the guard who guessed "Bach" first was right - it's not Mozart.

Corrected entry: In the scene when the cop and the kid with the game gear are captured after falling down the hill, they are secured with wrist chains and put into the truck. A few moments later, the ninja kid slices the chain in two with the sword. The cop then proceeds to slide the chain off his wrists. If he could slide his wrists out of the chain, why didn't he just escape in the first place?
Correction: If he tried to escape with the guards still watching him he most likely would have been killed.

Corrected entry: George tells Ada that he can't read, yet later she burns a message into a piano key to be delivered to him.
Correction: He did not read the piano key, a young girl from the local school read it to him.

Corrected entry: In the singing contest at the end, Sister Mary Clarence says that the kids should be comfortable. When the choir goes out, Frankee and Sketch are doing back-flips and other acrobatics. Later on in the song, they are all dancing as they are singing. Can you imagine them doing all that in robes? And even if it was a last minute plan, how would they all know what to do?
Correction: You can see them rehersing the dance routine backstage. While they are all getting ready you can see some of the choir practising the arm waves and such. The flips could have been simply improvised as they go on.
Correction: Maybe the performance was improvised?

Corrected entry: Dave is watching Jay Leno but you can see the Grandfather clock on the wall, and it's not time for Leno. (01:25:50)
Correction: I would think that the President just might have access to a VCR.

Corrected entry: When the father is about to go fishing he is holding a pot of coffee in his hand about to fill a thermos and the pot is about empty. They then cut to Crawl, then back to the father and the pot of coffee is now full.
Correction: The pot was about a third full when he grabbed it and looked fuller because it was tilted.

Corrected entry: The night before the wedding, the three night watchmen are charged with guarding the grounds all night and elect to 'sit on the bench till 2, then to bed'. The next shot is of the main characters having a pre-wedding banquet - with the three night watchmen serving them. After tricking Claudio and the Prince, Borachio drunkenly confesses his act to Conrad in front of the three night watchmen who are back at their post. (00:52:15 - 00:56:20)
Correction: That is the point. The last thing that Dogberry says to them before he leaves (this happens after they declare that they'll stay out until 2) is that there is a party at Leonato's house (because of the wedding on the following day), so of course the guards want to join in on the fun. Then they return to their post outside afterward.

Corrected entry: The four souls on the bus board in this order: Julia, Penny, Harrison, Milo. But when Penny boards the bus and walks to the back to sit down, the camera following her passes by a figure in a man's hat, sitting in the bus with his back to the window. This is exactly where Harrison is shown sitting later, wearing the same kind of hat, but Harrison wasn't on the bus when Penny got on.
Correction: In that era a lot of men wore those type of hats, no one else on the bus was of consequence, only the 4 who would go on to be ghosts. It could have very well been another passenger who had gotten off the bus at the next stop.

Corrected entry: Once James reaches the abandoned cab, why does he go tracking through the wild? The tire tracks from the cars that saved his family are still there for him to follow, not to mention there's a road.
Correction: Character choice, not a movie mistake; it is possible that he thought it was a shortcut.

Corrected entry: When Sylvester Stallone is reprogrammed to knit, he takes a ball of yarn and winds it into a skein. This is the opposite of what a knitter does. They buy a skein of yarn and roll it into a ball so the yarn doesn't get tangled while knitting.
Correction: This is simply an amateur error, he is probably only just started to knit and we all know by now no one can get things right the first time. He is an amateur at knitting after all, this is not a movie mistake.
He may have never actually knitted, but they are programmed while frozen to be experts. He ends up knitting a perfect sweater so he is obviously not a beginner. Not knowing exactly how all this reprogramming stuff works, it could be a mistake but it certainly seems that reprogramming makes the person an expert. Simon is reprogrammed with abilities that he executes perfectly without practice.

Corrected entry: Sally depicts Butch as highly intelligent. However, that he leaves his dangerous companion Terry in the custody of a shaky 8-year old with an empty gun gives the spectator some uneasy moments but doesn't make sense at all. Since eventually he wanted to part ways with Terry anyway, he could have done his shopping with Phillip, the gun, and the car keys and leave Terry by himself. (00:22:25)
Correction: This is a character choice and not a movie mistake.

Corrected entry: In the first sequence with the "Rapping Robins", when the background singers/dancers go to form a line with their hands crossed in front (kind of ballet-esque) the first and third Robins miss hands and struggle to latch together.
Correction: Just because someone is in a movie, it does not mean they will have perfect coordination and motor skills. Regular humans (like the Robins are supposed to be) make mistakes like this all the time in real life.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Beldar is "narfaling the garthok", you can see that Beldar has a clean cone. As he is pulling the garthok down after incapacitating it, you can still see a clean cone. After, when he is facing the high council, his cone is stained with blue blood. Where did it come from? He was not injured and you didn't see any blood coming from the monster.
Correction: During this scene, Beldar gets the blue blood from cutting the Garthoks head off. Even though you don't see it happen, if you look just to Beldar's left and in front of him you will see the Garthok's severed head that apparently he presented to the high council.

Corrected entry: When Mrs. Doubtfire is walking past the parked Mercedes it is a silvery grey colour but when he/she is leaning over to pull the symbol off it is blue.
Correction: It does appear slightly blue, but it's just the way the light is reflecting off the metal.

Corrected entry: RoboCop kills two rehabs and they fall through the motel window. Nobody in the motel seems concerned though; not even the owner, who has had his window destroyed and now has two dead bodies lying in the entrance hall. (01:06:03)
Correction: Everyone knows how Robocop deals with 'scum', and the Rehabs are not loved by anyone. It's violent in the Robocop universe, this is not unusual.

Corrected entry: When the turtles travel through time they switch clothes with the other people they are switching with. But, if they are totally switching clothes. Why do they still have head bands on?
Correction: The same reason Kenshen kept his sword, April kept her Walkman, and three of the Honor Guard kept their 'underwear'. It's not explained in the film how or why, but it's shown to have been done repeatedly and deliberately. Not having an explanation does not make it a mistake.
Not having an explanation, it does not make sense. Like with the absurdity of English being widely known is explained with reasons that don't hold up to scrutiny, the movie goes out of its way to 'explain' magic with 'rules' that then are violated whenever it's convenient. It would be deliberate if the contradictions made some sort of sense, not when it sneaks in constant arbitrary contradictions.

Corrected entry: When C is rolling the dice for Sonny, Sonny sends Coffeecake to the bathroom. While Sonny's men are dragging him there, in the "3-frame" shot with all Sonny's men "C" isn't there any more, and in the shot that follows, he reappears.
Correction: He is there, he's just at the side. When the big guy went to grab Coffeecake and the camera is on them, C had moved to the side, presumably ushered there by Sonny. As he ushers Coffeecake away you can see C enter back into the middle.

Corrected entry: Near the end of the movie when Joon is in a hospital room trying to decide to stay or go, Benny is swinging outside her window. The exterior shot shows all the windows about only 3 feet apart but the interior shot has only one window on a 12 foot wall. There should be between 2-3 windows in Joon's room.
Correction: Sam is the character that is swinging outside the window, not Benny, who is Joon's brother, who is sitting with her and the doctor during the scene.

Corrected entry: When Bridget Fonda wakes up in a room, the guy that's in charge shows her pictures of her staged funeral and tells her Plot 48, Row 12. Later in the scene when she asks him what happens to her if she refuses to become the spy or whatever she becomes he says Row 48, Plot 12.
Correction: Well, Plot 48, Row 12 is already "occupied". Row 48, Plot 12 might be an ironic reference to another grave.

Corrected entry: In the scene where D-Fens fires into the canal construction site he is surrounded by a lot of kids. All but the one he is talking to disappear between shots. (01:13:15)
Correction: It's just the camera angle. They are there the whole time.
Correction: This is not a mistake. Spielberg was testing the ignorance of the German soldiers - Bach is a German composer, and it makes them come off as uncultured by mistaking his music for Mozart, an Austrian composer.