Best horror movie quotes of 1990

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Movie Quote Quiz
Nightbreed picture

Rachel: To be able to fly, to be smoke, or a wolf? To know the night and live in it forever? That's not so bad. You call us 'monsters, ' but when you dream, you dream of flying, and changing, and living without death. You envy us, and what you envy.
Lori Desinger: ...We destroy.

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Child's Play 2 picture

Chucky: You little shit. Do you realise what you've done? It's too late. I've spent to much time in this body. I'm fucking trapped in here!

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Darkman picture

Darkman: I'm everyone. And no one. Everywhere. Nowhere. Call me...Darkman.

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Gremlins 2: The New Batch picture

Grandpa Fred: They put me on at 3am. People who are awake at 3am aren't afraid of the Wolfman. The only thing that frightens those people is sobering up and going to work.

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It (1990)

It picture

Bill: He thr-thr-thr-thrusts his fi-fi-fists ag-ag-against the pos-posts and...
Ben: He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts. That's all it says over and over.
Bill: Th-th-thats w-w-what m-m-my m-m-mom g-gave me t-to h-help with my st-st-stutter.
Richie: I hate to tell you buddy, it ain't working.

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More The Exorcist III quotes
Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III picture

Tinker: I'll be in hell for breakfast.

More Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III quotes
The Witches picture

Grand High Witch: This stinking little carbuncle has had five hundred doses! Aha, we are having Instantaneous action.

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Troll 2 picture

Sheriff Freak: I'm Sheriff Gene Freak.

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Flatliners picture

Young Winnie: Hey! Hey, Fellatio! Got a match? Well, I do! Your face and my ass! Your breath made of buffalo farts.
David Labraccio: Do I know you?
Young Winnie: You don't know jack-shit! Butt-wipe! Needle-dick! Cock-bite! Jack-off! Limp-wrist! Corn-hole! Banana-breath! Shit-bird! Bird-turd! Turd-face! Kiss-ass! Brown-nose! Macho wimp! Limp dick! Fart-face! Tire merchant! What's the matter? Gonna cry? Come on, Crybaby Davie! Cry! Cry! Cry! Shit-face! Rat-turd! Ass-licking son of a bitch.

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Class of 1999 picture

Cody: I'm going in there to waste some teachers - are you with me?

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The Final Sacrifice picture

Aunt Betty: There. What are you studying?
Troy McGreggor: French Revolution.
Aunt Betty: Oh, that looks more like World War Two.

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Graveyard Shift picture

Warwick: We're going to hell...together!

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Maniac Cop 2 picture

Turkell: It must be visiting hours, 'cause my friend is back.

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Jacob's Ladder picture

Army Officer: Mr. Singer. What an appropriate name for a man who can't keep his mouth shut.

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Psycho IV: The Beginning picture

Norman: I know that in the cosmic scheme of things, little boys are small, but some days they can be... some days little boys can be giants.

More Psycho IV: The Beginning quotes
Night of the Living Dead picture

Barbara: They're us. We're them and they're us.

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