Best horror movie quotes of 1990

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Movie Quote Quiz
Lord of the Flies picture

Tony: What are we gonna do with thieves when we catch them?
Ralph: We can't have kids stealing and just running wild. We're going to have to have stricter rules and hand out demerits... I guess.

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Tales from the Darkside: The Movie picture

Betty: I never could do long division. Let's see, how many times does twelve go into seventy-five.
Timmy: Oh, six times, three left over. Why?
Betty: Well, at twelve minutes a pound, that means you have to be in the oven by no later than 1:30. Oh, but evisceration takes at least an hour.

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Bride of Re-Animator picture

Dan Cain: You're alive.
Gloria: Alive.

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Jacob's Ladder picture

Army Officer: Mr. Singer. What an appropriate name for a man who can't keep his mouth shut.

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Arachnophobia picture

Doctor James Atherton: In this first generation, the original male also produced a queen, and together they will construct a primary nest which the queen will guard. But eventually, she will create reproductive offspring of her own. And when that happens, this town is dead... and the next town... and the next town... and the next one, and so on.

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