Movie Quote Quiz

Young Winnie: Hey! Hey, Fellatio! Got a match? Well, I do! Your face and my ass! Your breath made of buffalo farts.
David Labraccio: Do I know you?
Young Winnie: You don't know jack-shit! Butt-wipe! Needle-dick! Cock-bite! Jack-off! Limp-wrist! Corn-hole! Banana-breath! Shit-bird! Bird-turd! Turd-face! Kiss-ass! Brown-nose! Macho wimp! Limp dick! Fart-face! Tire merchant! What's the matter? Gonna cry? Come on, Crybaby Davie! Cry! Cry! Cry! Shit-face! Rat-turd! Ass-licking son of a bitch.

Randy Steckle: We're finally going to have something to hold over those fucking baby-boomers.

Nelson Wright: Hello, I'm nice, he's nice, we're both fucking lunatics. Can I come in, please?

Nelson Wright: Somehow we've brought our sins back physically. And they're pissed.

Nelson Wright: Philosophy failed. Religion failed. Now it's up to the physical sciences.

Factual error: Asystole (the lack of cardiac activity, also known as the 'flatline') is not treated with defibrillation (electric shocks) but with alternating doses of the drugs epinephrine and atropine.

More mistakes in Flatliners

Question: Can someone please explain the ending in regards to Billy Mahoney? Does Billy smile and wave at Nelson, knowing that Nelson is now dead and has paid his price? Won't he realize that Nelson was brought back to life and haunt him again?

Answer: Billy forgave Nelson. he saw that Nelson was willing to die to be forgiven. That's why Billy smiled.


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