Young Winnie: Hey! Hey, Fellatio! Got a match? Well, I do! Your face and my ass! Your breath made of buffalo farts.
David Labraccio: Do I know you?
Young Winnie: You don't know jack-shit! Butt-wipe! Needle-dick! Cock-bite! Jack-off! Limp-wrist! Corn-hole! Banana-breath! Shit-bird! Bird-turd! Turd-face! Kiss-ass! Brown-nose! Macho wimp! Limp dick! Fart-face! Tire merchant! What's the matter? Gonna cry? Come on, Crybaby Davie! Cry! Cry! Cry! Shit-face! Rat-turd! Ass-licking son of a bitch.
Nelson Wright: You bring the equipment, I'll bring my balls.
Randy Steckle: We're finally going to have something to hold over those fucking baby-boomers.
Nelson Wright: Everything matters, everything we do matters.
Nelson Wright: Hello, I'm nice, he's nice, we're both fucking lunatics. Can I come in, please?
Nelson Wright: Somehow we've brought our sins back physically. And they're pissed.
Nelson Wright: Hey, Dave! What if it works?
Nelson Wright: Philosophy failed. Religion failed. Now it's up to the physical sciences.
Answer: Billy forgave Nelson. he saw that Nelson was willing to die to be forgiven. That's why Billy smiled.