Maxton: I heard you resigned from the Scouts.
Jim: I've become an atheist.
Joe Kenehan: You think this man is the enemy? Huh? This is a worker! Any union keeps this man out ain't a union, it's a goddam club! They got you fightin' white against colored, native against foreign, hollow against hollow, when you know there ain't but two sides in this world - them that work and them that don't. You work, they don't. That's all you get to know about the enemy.
Bob Morales: Look it's Woody Woodpecker and Buzz Buzzard, Man they make cartoons here.
Nathan White: I know about your friend's daughter, Mr. Kersey. I also know that you shot the pusher who sold her the drugs. But I ask you, sir, what about the people behind him? How many children do we let them destroy before we say enough, Mr. Kersey? How many?
Cathy: Christopher, what is it?
Chris: A copy of Grandfather's will. It's 2 months old. It says if it was ever proven Mom had children from her first marriage, even after he's dead, she'd be disinherited.
Cathy: Mother's known all this time that we could never be found.
Chris: She never meant for us to leave that attic.
Jimmy Garrett: A human pilot would react differently, because a human pilot would know that he's going to die.
Dennis Meechum: Who fucked it up?
Roberta Gillian: Nobody fucked it up, Mr. Meechum. Just don't expect Hollywood to bail you out.
Victor Duncan: Why don't you do yourself a favor and go back to your white-bread, suburban, cesspool land while you still have a chance?
Rick Latimer: I can't.
Kathleen Riley: I spend all of my day with murders and rapists, and what's really crazy, I like them.
Dan Gallagher: Look, Alex... I like you. And maybe if I wasn't with somebody else, I'd be with you. But I am.
Alex Forrest: Please don't justify yourself, it's pathetic. You'd tell me to fuck off, I'd have more respect for you.
Dan Gallagher: All right, then fuck off.
Reverend Chester: I believe that I've got a job for you.
Francis Phelan: I worked today up at the cemetery.
Reverend Chester: Splendid.
Francis Phelan: Well, shovelin' dirt ain't all that splendid.
Dr. Herbert A. Morrison: Would you like a cup of coffee?
Claudia Draper: Not unless there's Thorazine in it.
Dr. Herbert A. Morrison: Sorry, only milk and sugar.
Claudia Draper: Pass.
Peggy Ramsay: Ken was the first wife. He did all the work and the waiting and then.
John Lahr: Well, first wives don't usually beat their husbands' heads in.
Peggy Ramsay: No. Though why I can't think.
John Lahr: So what does that make you? The second wife?
Peggy Ramsay: Better than that, dear. The widow.