Tom Granick: It's amazing who's here.
Jane Craig: Who?
Tom Granick: Me.

Maxton: I heard you resigned from the Scouts.
Jim: I've become an atheist.

Joe Kenehan: You think this man is the enemy? Huh? This is a worker! Any union keeps this man out ain't a union, it's a goddam club! They got you fightin' white against colored, native against foreign, hollow against hollow, when you know there ain't but two sides in this world - them that work and them that don't. You work, they don't. That's all you get to know about the enemy.

Bob Morales: Look it's Woody Woodpecker and Buzz Buzzard, Man they make cartoons here.

Cathy: Christopher, what is it?
Chris: A copy of Grandfather's will. It's 2 months old. It says if it was ever proven Mom had children from her first marriage, even after he's dead, she'd be disinherited.
Cathy: Mother's known all this time that we could never be found.
Chris: She never meant for us to leave that attic.

Rebecca: Jack has a baby?
Peter Mitchell: I realise such a concept tends to negate our belief in a benevolent God, but yes.

Jack Jericho: Did anyone ever tell you you're too good to be true?
Randy Jensen: No only that I'm too truthful to be good.

Salvatore Giuliano: You're an American, aren't you?
Camilla, Duchess of Crotone: Yes, and like every other Sicilian you want to go to America and start a pizzaria in Jersey.

Pu Yi, at 15: Who is this George Washington?
Reginald Fleming 'R.J.' Johnston: A famous American, your majesty. A revolutionary general, the first American president.
Pu Yi, at 15: Ah, like Mr. Lenin in Russia?
Reginald Fleming 'R.J.' Johnston: Not quite.
Pu Yi, at 15: Does he have a car?
Reginald Fleming 'R.J.' Johnston: He lived a long time ago, your majesty.
Pu Yi, at 15: I want a car.

"Goody" Nelson: Clell, Old Boy, you mean you haven't told the lady? Why Madam, we are the Old Guard. We are the Nation's Toy Soldiers. We march with rifles that cannot shoot. We fix bayonets that cannot stick. We are the Kabuki theater of the profession of arms.Jesters in the court of Mars, God of War, do-da, do-da.

Teri Marshall: Please don't hurt her.

Victor Duncan: Why don't you do yourself a favor and go back to your white-bread, suburban, cesspool land while you still have a chance?
Rick Latimer: I can't.

Jimmy Garrett: A human pilot would react differently, because a human pilot would know that he's going to die.

Kathleen Riley: I spend all of my day with murders and rapists, and what's really crazy, I like them.

Dennis Meechum: Who fucked it up?
Roberta Gillian: Nobody fucked it up, Mr. Meechum. Just don't expect Hollywood to bail you out.

Gillian Kaites: When I came to I was sopping wet and nauseous.