Jack Burton: Hey, I'm a reasonable guy. But I've just experienced some very unreasonable things.

Frances: Blind Dog and Lightning Boy? Who the hell are you guys supposed to be?
Eugene Martone: We're bluesmen.
Willie Brown: I'm the bluesman, he's from Long Island.

Peggy Sue: We had one glorious night together, someday you'll remember and write about it.
Michael Fitzsimmons: Yeah, I can dig that. Bittersweet perfection. Dogs of lust on leashes of memory.

Sheriff Loomis: You listen to me, you son-of-a-bitch! There's a kid out there usin' his car to kill people, not that it's such a big deal since it seems to be your gang he's got it in for... so, if you guys try to take the law into your own hands, and that killer turns up dead, I'm gonna see you all sniffin' cyanide in the Arizona gas chamber.

Remy McSwain: If I can't have you, can I have my gator?

Norman Bates: Conservative clothes never go out of style.

Mark Watson: Mom! Dad! There's something I have to tell you... I'm black.

Laura J. Kelly: Don't lose him.
Tom Logan: I'm not going to lose him. Where is he?

Hoops McCann: Will you watch where you're going! We're heading for the docks.
George Calamari: We've gotta make the boat.
Hoops McCann: Boat? What boat?
George Calamari: What, did you think we were driving to Nantucket? Come on, it's an island.
Hoops McCann: You never mentioned any boats! I hate boats! I'm not getting on any boat.
George Calamari: I beg to differ.

James Leeds: You can't start a bonfire and then say night night.

David Basner: I could've been a great doctor.
Max Basner: You could've been a great anything, son.

Jack Casey: Sometimes things don't happen the way you planned, sometimes you could end up lower than you started.