Alex Sternbergen: I gotta call Jackie, maybe he call help. He's smart, he knows the people that are in charge.
Turner Kendall: In charge of what?
Alex Sternbergen: Everything. The world.
Turner Kendall: He's a hair dresser.
Alex Sternbergen: That's what he does, that's not what he is.
Roberto: Not enough room to swing a cat... Cat. The animal.
Marjorie: No talking to the animal.
Harry Doyle: And I ain't goin' to your funeral.
Archie Long: You ain't invited.
High Priest: Who gave you the courage to be killed here?
Asian Hawk: I obey my god's every command. He looks after all my needs. I always say yes to him. Never no.
High Priest: Who is your god? What is your religion?
Asian Hawk: I believe in a powerful religion. The name of my god is... money.
High Priest: Prepare to be sacrified to your money god.
Carol: We'll take my car. It starts every time.
Narrator: Look! I personally believe... I can see Fort Worth from here.
Jim Halsey: Why are you doing this to me?
John Ryder: You're a smart kid... figure it out.
Hercule Poirot: No family portraits, Mrs. Folliat?
Amy Folliatt: When one has lost a family, portraits are only memory, and memory is like dead wood. It must be cut away if one is to go on.
Reverend Aaron Gilstom: Demonic beasts. Whatever happened to the good old simple love song?"I love you." That's what good words use. Nowadays they have to write some sickness. It's just absoultely sick and bizarre, and I'm going to do my upmost best to try and stop it now."
Talk show host: Anything you'd like to add in conclusion?
Reverend Aaron Gilstom: These evil people have just got to be stopped.
Paul Miller: You were born to be a detective!
Donald Wilson: I was?
Paul Miller: You reek of detective!
Donald Wilson: I reek?
Ken Kessler: I mean, what the hell's the point of being a decent person when no-one is? Let's be assholes and get rich.
General George S. Patton Jr.: There's never been a better chance of producing a war in Europe than we have right now... WIth the German troops I'm holding and my own men, I can push the Russians all the way back to Moscow.
Eddie Felson: This ain't pool. This is for bangers. Straight pool is pool. This is like hand-ball, or cribbage, or something. Straight pool, you gotta be a real surgeon to get 'em, you know? It's all finesse. Now, every thing is nine-ball, 'cause it's fast, good for T.V., good for a lot of break shots... Oh, well. What the hell. Checkers sells more than chess.