Best movie mistakes of 1983

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The Day After picture

Factual error: SAC's airborne command post is shown in several scenes. Problem is, while there is such an aircraft, it is not a KC-135 Stratotanker, which is what is shown.

Grumpy Scot

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Project A picture

Other mistake: During the scene in which Jackie and his girlfriend are being chased on bikes they hide in a shop. When the men chasing them stop outside of the shop, the subtitles read 'This is a dead end, we'll spilt up'. Spilt up?

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Joysticks picture

Other mistake: Mrs. Rutter has on full makeup when she wakes up in bed the morning of Dorfus' kidnapping.


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Lone Wolf McQuade picture

Other mistake: When McQuade is leaving his house in his truck to head to Mexico, he is wearing a light beige button-down. When we see the shot of him in his truck pulling away after Kayo is yelling "You're in no shape to do this alone!", his shirt changes color to light yellow. It's also light yellow for the remainder of the scene at the gas station/restaurant.

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For Us the Living: The Medgar Evers Story picture

Continuity mistake: At the NAACP headquarters, Medgar Evers joins other people sitting at the table to talk with Sampson. The person sitting next to him casts a long diagonal shadow across the table in each wide shot, and a short one when the camera is on Sampson.


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More Under Fire mistakes
The House On Sorority Row picture

Plot hole: It seems unlikely any mental institution would let a patient out to visit home for any length of time as happens in the movie with the killer and his mother.


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Suggested correction: Unlikely, but still possible. Almost every workplace has a situation in which a person is bending the rules.

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Doctor Detroit picture

Revealing mistake: When Doctor Detroit and his girls make their escape from the automobile salvage yard, they drive a wrecker straight through a large sliding wooden gate, which punches a perfectly clean outline of the truck and Doctor Detroit through the gate. Problem is, the resulting (pre-cut) hole does not match the dimensions of the wrecker or Doctor Detroit at all. In fact, at the point of impact, the stuntman playing Doctor Detroit hugs in close to the wrecker for protection as it plows through the gate, and the outline of his body just magically opens up two feet away from him.

Charles Austin Miller

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Going Berserk picture

Continuity mistake: When John is holding the groceries in the hallway and drops them, the items and bag fall to his right. In the next shot, the items and bag are all the way to his left.


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BMX Bandits picture

Factual error: In one scene, our heroes go down a water slide with their bikes. Landing in the pool at the end would have made their walkie talkies unusable. But later they still work normally.

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2020 Texas Gladiators picture

Revealing mistake: During the brawl in the 'saloon', the protagonist frees himself from the predicament that had him with a knife pointed at his throat. Cut to one of his friends who punches away one baddie, parries a strike and then "punches" someone else. Sarcastic quotes are needed here, because the straight punch misses its target. (00:44:35)


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The Haunting Passion picture

Factual error: When Julie's undressing in the shower scene she steps out of a slip. Impossible as she was wearing pants, women wear slips only with dresses.


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Curtains picture

Plot hole: Patty ends up in the asylum even though nobody's there to send her and nobody called the police.


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Thieves and Robbers picture

Continuity mistake: Tomas Milian jump balconies at night. Then he sees the murder and escapes from the hotel room. Next he drives the car and all of a sudden it's day. (00:32:20 - 00:35:05)


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Tantei monogatari picture

Visible crew/equipment: Naomi Arai snuck back home from the window. When she walks down the stairs to go in the dining room, you can see on the upper floor wall to her left the shadow of the camera crew following her. (00:01:20)


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