Corrected entry: At one point, Patroni (George Kennedy) opens the cockpit window and fires a flare gun. The Concorde is flying at a speed of Mach 2 (twice the speed of sound). If you stick your hand out a plane window at a speed of Mach 2, your hand will be snapped clean off.

Corrected entry: After Tell Sackett shoots the first Bigelow, he departs Uvalde, which is in Texas, and heads for the hills. He encounters a trapper, and over coffee, they discuss lost gold. The trapper indicates that earlier seekers had perished, some from exposure, some from Crow Indians. However, Santa Fe, where Tell goes to resupply, is over five hundred miles from normal Crow haunts. Far more likely to be Utes, Comanches, or even Apaches.
Correction: Tell Sackett does not go to Santa Fe. He goes to Pergatory. Which should be in Colorado. Santa Fe is where Orrin and Tyrell have girls waiting on them and they end up there before the end. The end of the movie/or mini-series is in Pergatory.

Corrected entry: Kirk Douglas is stuck to the front of the train and comes out of his boots. But,in the next scene where he pouring gunpowder,he mysteriously has reclaimed his boots. How is that possible if he flew out of them in the prior scene?
Correction: The whole movie is reminiscent of a "Roadrunner/Wile E. Coyote" cartoon, with impossible gags (like the wagon passing through the side of the rock when it's painted with a "tunnel."). Cartoon characters are always being crushed, cut in two, and losing things, etc, but are back to normal within a few seconds. That's what happens here with Cactus Jack and his boots.

Corrected entry: A room full of trained nuclear operators would never rely only on a stuck recorder pen to see reactor water level. The control board has several other reactor level indicators, and they're much more accurate.
Correction: Three Mile Island nearly melted down because the Pilot Operated Relief Valve stuck open. The gauge indicating the position of the PORV indicated the valve was closed, when it was actually open. The Davis-Besse reactor in Ohio had a similar situation months earlier. The PORV ended sticking in the open position even though the gauge read closed. They began to treat the problem created by the stuck PORV as if it was something else. After 20 minutes, the operator realsied that the PORV had to be stuck open and remidied the situation. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission never put out any type of warning regarding the incident. The NRC said such an accident was a freak even and unlikely to ever happen again. Of course it did with TMI. Nearly 3 hours into the TMI crisis, they called in another engineer to work early. He decided that every piece of data, except the gauge indicator for the PORV, pointed to the fact that the PORV was stuck open. He manually shut and avoided the total meltdown. True life is scarier than the movies. Never assume what a room full of trained individuals should and shouldn't know.

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, during "the last night", we see that the tree smashes through one of the windows in the attic. Later, when George returns to the house to get the dog, there's an outside shot where both windows are intact. (The famous windows are not on both sides of the house. Only the side facing the water).
Correction: Windows are on both sides. It can be hard to tell though. It just mostly shows the one facing the lake.

Corrected entry: When Dustin Hoffman shows his son the view from his new office he says something like "That's the UN building... that's Queens and waaay up there it's Br....." (cut in sound track.) I believe Dustin mistakenly said "Brooklyn" which it could not be from that angle. It would have to be the Bronx he was referring to, but he didn't say "The". They just cut the sound to save retaking the scene.
Correction: There is no cut in the soundtrack. I am an audio engineer and I sent the audio through a meter to see if it was cut. It is not cut - Hoffman just says the line "Brooklyn" softly.

Corrected entry: The cops who pull George over tell him he should "be careful taking those pain pills with alcohol". Despite that, the way he was mixing the two, he'd be completely unable to walk, much less drive a car. Of course it's a movie, but in reality the cops should have taken George straight to the hospital to get his stomach pumped.
Correction: The key word there is SHOULD. There was a woman in Indiana last month who was arrested for DUI with 3 kids in the car. Her buddy, the high-ranking cop, intervened and released her. My cousin was in a single car DUI accident. The first cop to show up took him home, told him to sober up and come back out and report the accident then.

Corrected entry: Berger goes to Nam instead of Bukowski, having taken on his name and identity. His tombstone should say Claude Bukowski, not George Berger.
Correction: The real Claude could have cleared up the identity mix-up before the tombstone was engraved.

Corrected entry: When Fei Hung's stepmom is first shown playing Mahjong, she turns back-and-forth a few times and the women playing with her aren't seen anywhere. When she turns around the final time all of the women are there.
Correction: That is because the women are supposed to be behind the camera.

Corrected entry: When Mike is riding his motorbike in the graveyard, in one shot you can see tyre tracks in the field behind him, that the filming crew are making as the camera pans backward. (00:03:45)
Correction: Yes, tracks are visible but it could be from the cemetary maintenance vehicles.
Correction: The plane was not at mach 2 at the time.