Best movie quotes of 1965

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More In Harm's Way quotes
The Sound of Music picture

Maria: I am not finished yet, Captain!
Captain Von Trapp: Oh yes you are, Captain! Fraulein, you will pack your things this minute and return to the Abbey.

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More The Great Race quotes
For a Few Dollars More picture

Wild, The Hunchback: Well well, if it isn't the smoker. Well... Remember me, amigo?
Col. Douglas Mortimer: M-Mm.
Wild, The Hunchback: 'Course you do. El Paso.
Col. Douglas Mortimer: It's a small world.
Wild, The Hunchback: Yes, and very, very bad. Now come on, you light another match.
Col. Douglas Mortimer: I generally smoke just after I eat. Why don't you come back in about ten minutes?
Wild, The Hunchback: Ten minutes you'll be smoking in hell. Get up!.

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Cat Ballou picture

Kid Sheleen: Guns, bottles, fists, knives, clubs - all the same to me. All the same to you?

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Shenandoah picture

Charlie Anderson: It's no easy job, Sam, to take care of a woman.
Lt. Sam: No, sir.
Charlie Anderson: They expect things they never ask for. And when they don't get them, they ask you why. Sometimes they don't ask... and just go ahead and punish you for not doing something you didn't know you were supposed to do in the first place.

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Help! picture

Superintendent: So this is the famous ring?
Ringo: I'm in fear of me life, you know.
Superintendent: And these are the famous Beatles?
John: So this is the famous Scotland Yard, eh?
Superintendent: And how long do you think you'll last?
John: Can't say fairer than that. The Great Train Robbery, eh? How's that going?

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The Ipcress File picture

Courtney: Do you always wear your glasses?
Palmer: Yes. Except in bed.

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Thunderball picture

James Bond: My dear, uncooperative Domino.
Domino: How do you know that? How do you know my friends call me Domino?
James Bond: It's on the bracelet on your ankle.
Domino: So... what sharp little eyes you've got.
James Bond: Wait 'til you get to my teeth.

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Red Beard picture

Dr. Handayu Mori: The pain and loneliness of death frighten me. But Dr. Niide looks at it differently. He looks into their hearts as well as their bodies.

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The Greatest Story Ever Told picture

Bar Amand: The Messiah has come! A man was dead but now he lives.
Uriah: I was crippled, and now I walk.
Old Aram: I was blind, and now I see.
Soldier: Who has done this?
Old Aram: The man called Jesus.

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The Sons of Katie Elder picture

Tom Elder: Mr. Hastings, you know everybody around here: Can you tell us who is the dirty stinkin' lowdown rat that shot our pa?

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The Cincinnati Kid picture

Cincinnati Kid: Listen, Christian, after the game, I'll be The Man. I'll be the best there is. People will sit down at the table with you, just so they can say they played with The Man. And that's what I'm gonna be, Christian.
Christian: I know.

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Battle of the Bulge picture

Col. Martin Hessler: Germans are still the best toy makers in the World.

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Major Dundee picture

Maj. Amos Dundee: I have only three commands. When I signal you to come, you come. When I signal you to charge, you charge. And when I signal you to run - you follow me and run like hell.

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Die, Monster, Die! picture

Nahum Witley: All that remains of Corbin is a few harmless objects in the cellar.

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Repulsion picture

Carol: We must get this crack mended.

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Dr. Terror's House of Horrors picture

Hopkins: There's one thing that every intelligent thing is afraid of - fire! If a species ever develops that isn't, it could be the end of the world.

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Doctor Zhivago picture

Anna: But, Boris, this is genius.
Medical Professor: Really? I thought it was Rachmaninoff. I'm going for a smoke.

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More The Loved One quotes

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