Superintendent: So this is the famous ring?
Ringo: I'm in fear of me life, you know.
Superintendent: And these are the famous Beatles?
John: So this is the famous Scotland Yard, eh?
Superintendent: And how long do you think you'll last?
John: Can't say fairer than that. The Great Train Robbery, eh? How's that going?
Engineer: Boys! Are you buzzing?
John: No thanks, we've got the car.
John: Get me the Home Office. He's wrecking my home.
Ahme: Hold! Release him or I shoot, and I am a dead-eye shot, shooting.
Professor Foot: MIT was after me, you know. Wanted me to rule the world for them.
Ringo: I like operations. They give you a sense of outlook, don't they?
Professor Foot: It's the brain drain, his brain's draining.
George: How's your equilibrium ring?
Ringo: How's yours? You lied again, George.
George: How'd you know it's not you that's lied.
Ringo: Cause I never am. Am I, Paul?
Paul: Yeah, you are.
George: Hey, you're all red again.
Ringo: I know, I'm beginning to like it.
Superintendent: Oh come on now lads, don't be windy, where's that famous pluck?
John: I haven't got any, have you George?
George: Did have.
Paul: I have had.
Ringo: I will have! Lead on.
George: What's your electric bill like?
Algernon: Sort of a long counterfoil.
Paul: My skin's soaked right through to the skin.
George: I'm always getting winked at these days. It used to be you didn't it Paul?
John: There's somebody been in this soup.
Professor Foot: Voltage, Voltage! Up up. Up up.
Paul: Up, up.
John: Up.
Ringo: Are you sure I'm earthed?
Algernon: Oh no! Er, hold on, thank you.
John: Stop dragging things down to your own level, it's immature son.
Ringo: I thought, Well I... I thought she was a sandwich, 'til she went spare on me hand.
Clang: Take this hastily scribbled note, hastily to acting Lance Corporal Bhuta. Off.
Professor Foot: With a ring like that I could dare I say it? Rule the world.
Bhuta: It's cold, it's a cold place.
Ringo: They have to paint me red before they chop me. It's a different religion from ours. I think.