Rudolph: What do you want?
Clarice: You - You promised to walk me home.
Rudolph: Aren't you going to laugh at my nose, too?
Clarice: I think it's a handsome nose. Much better than that silly false one you were wearing.
Rudolph: It's terrible... and it's different from everybody else's.
Clarice: But that's what makes it so grand. Why, any doe would consider herself lucky to be with you.
Rudolph: Yeah? But I wasn't very lucky today, was I?

Bert: Speaking of names, I know a man with a wooden leg named Smith.
Uncle Albert: What's the name of his other leg?

James Bond: Do you expect me to talk, Goldfinger?
Goldfinger: No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!

Little John: When your opponent's sittin' there holding all aces, there's only one thing left to do: Kick over the table.

Miriam: Why wouldn't I tell him that his pure, darling little girl was having a dirty little affair with a married man?
Charlotte: You're a vile, sorry little bitch.

President Merkin Muffley: Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!

Prof. Karl Meister: Well, I hadn't seen you for some considerable time, so I thought I'd come see what you're doing.
Paul Heitz: It's a long story.
Prof. Karl Meister: I've come a long way to hear it.

Fakrash: Select the design you wish and 3,000 houses will appear before your eyes...an entire city.
Harold Ventimore: You can't put up houses like that!
Fakrash: Oh, yes I can! With one wave of my hand.
Harold Ventimore: Listen, Mr. Fakrash, you don't own this land. And even if you did, you can't build on it without a building permit. Then detailed plans have to be drawn up, then the building Inspectors have to OK them, then they have to approve every step of the work: foundation, plumbing, electrical... Furthermore, all materials must be union made and all work must be done by union labor.
Fakrash: When the Pharaohs put up the pyramids, they had no such problems. In those days...
Harold Ventimore: - These aren't those days, they're these days. There is no room for magic now. Everything must be done legitimately today. (01:10:00)

Rusty Martin: You answer it and if it's anybody, I don't want to speak to him.

Mark Rutland: Before I was drafted into Rutland's Miss Taylor, I had notions of being a zoologist. I still try to keep up with my field.
Marnie Edgar: Zoos?
Mark Rutland: Instinctual behavior.
Marnie Edgar: A lady's instinct too?

Bilius: I'm sorry Caesar but for the good of Rome, you must die.
Julius Caesar: But you're my personal bodyguard and champion gladiator, I don't want to die! I may not be a very good live emperor but I'd be a worse one dead.

Molly Brown: Sure I may be tuckered, and I may give out, but I won't give in.