Rachel Cooper: Women are such durn fools.

Jim Stark: I didn't chicken. You saw where I jumped. What did I have to do, kill myself?

Official, Ministry of Aircraft Production: You say you need a Wellington Bomber for test drops. They're worth their weight in gold. Do you really think the authorities will lend you one? What possible argument could I put forward to get you a Wellington?
Doctor B. N. Wallis, C.B.E., F.R.S.: Well, if you told them I designed it, do you think that might help?

Cal Trask: It's gonna work because it's got to work and it's got to work because I said so.

Hawkins: After months of pleading for just this kind of action, what makes you think that anybody, anybody could make me reveal the identity of my confederate?
Jean: Because they'd put you on the rack, crack your every bone, scald you with hot oil, and remove the nails off your fingers with flaming hot pincers.
Hawkins: I'd... like to withdraw the question.

Arnie: How come you never came over to visit me before?
Sam Marlowe: I didn't know you had such a pretty mother, Arnie.
Arnie: You think she's pretty, you should see my slingshot.

Alicia Pritchard: Mr. Griggs, a person is not a corporation! A person is flesh and blood... and feelings .

Prof. Bernard Quatermass: There's no room for personal feelings in science, Judith.

John Robie: Miss Stevens?
Frances Stevens: Yes, Mr. Burns?
John Robie: You know what I think?
Frances Stevens: About what?
John Robie: You.
Frances Stevens: I don't really care.

Richard Dadier: Yeah, I've been beaten up, but I'm not beaten. I'm not beaten, and I'm not quittin'.

Dr. Matt Hastings: Give women the vote and what do you get? Lady scientists.

Joe Hayes: Oh, I'll sleep fine. No imagination.

Bugs Bunny: Brother. What a Leonardo da Punchy. What a Too-Lousy Lautrec.

Doc T.R. Velie Jr.: Why did you come here, Mr. Macreedy?
John J. Macreedy: Did Komoko have any other family besides his son Joe?
Doc T.R. Velie Jr.: Son? Nobody around here ever knew he had a son.
John J. Macreedy: Yes, he had a son. He's dead too. He's buried in Italy... Why, this Komoko boy died trying to save my life. They gave him a medal. I came here to give it to his old man. I figured the least I could do was give him one day out of my life.

The Monitor: It is indeed typical that you Earth people refuse to believe in the superiority of any world but your own. Children looking into a magnifying glass, imagining the image you see is the image of your true size.
Dr. Cal Meacham: Our true size is the size of our God.

Lillian Roth: What I'm doing now is 'wrong'... and I'm doing it.

Gen. Ennis C. Hawkes: Don't tell me about your little problems! I'm only interested in results.

Conquering Bear: Hear my words. Life melts from me. My eyes see into the mist. Someday a great warrior leader will arise among us. His medicine will be very storng against the whites. He will unite all the tribes of the Lakotas... and lead us to vicotry. But drive envy and jealousy from your hearts. For when this great warrior dies, it will be at the hand of a Lakota.