Factual error: When Tom has decided his scout group will have to go for the food and then his look for his son later, they are stood on a green. There is a war memorial dedicated to both World Wars, 1914 - 1918 and 1939 - 1945. That's got to be in Canada, as the USA didn't enter either war until later than those dates. (00:28:00)
The Night of the Wolf - S2-E27
Factual error: Several airplane contrails are visible in the sky as West gallops his horse to Stefan's coronation.
Factual error: Chakotay says "if our orbit starts to decay, Voyager will begin to feel the effects of the differential, and we'll begin aging hundreds of times faster than we would in normal space". Whilst it is true that they would be aging faster relative to normal space, they would not instantly become old. Time would simply slow around them, so whilst they would be aging faster relative to normal space, they would not all of a sudden become really old - which is how it is made out to be. They would all age the same amount whether in a standard orbit or in a more decayed orbit. (00:06:37)
Suggested correction: There is nothing incorrect about what he said. They will start ageing hundreds of times faster than in normal space.
Aging implies getting/feeling older. They'd only be "aging" relative to normal space. What would happen would be more akin to time travel, with the universe getting older around them.
But the point is, they wouldn't age faster just because "normal" time slows down. If they spent a year on the planet, they'd age 1 year, not 100 years.
Factual error: When Ulysses opens his mouth while speaking, modern dental fillings are in his teeth.
Factual error: Lex crashes and his car lands on its roof, but in the span of a few seconds it has sunk straight to the bottom, and turned the right way up. Cars don't sink that quickly. (00:17:25)
Saga of a Star World (1) - S1-E1
Factual error: When Apollo decides he and Zac will attack the Cylons that are following them, he tells Zac to "hit your reverse thrusters and maximum braking flaps", but they aren't in an atmosphere. Brake flaps would have no effect in the vacuum of space. (00:10:30)
Suggested correction: Since the Colonial Vipers CAN fly in atmosphere and in space, that move would just be standard operating procedure and used either in space or in air. Similar to the way Navy pilots deploy a tailhook (for carrier use) when they land on runways.
Factual error: Anytime a character fires a missile at an airborne target, it's invariably from an M136 antitank launcher. The M136 is designed to hit relatively slow moving ground vehicles and is useless against fast moving airborne targets. (This is because used M136 tubes can't be reloaded and are very cheap to use as props).
Heads Of Beef / Klub Katz - S1-E11
Factual error: In "Klub Katz" the captian yells "Iceburg, Iceburg, on the starboard side." But when you see the iceburg and the ship, the iceburg was about to hit the bow of the ship.
Factual error: Tru arrives "more than three hours late" for the MCAT and then begins the test. Firstly, it would be pointless for her to even bother going at that time, since she'd have already missed the entire Verbal Reasoning section and possibly the Physical Sciences as well (depending on how much more than three hours she was late). Secondly, that's really a moot point since late arrivals to MCAT testing centers are not permitted to take the test.
Factual error: In episode 17 there are some scenes showing sick 4400s all around the world. One of them is being carried into an ambulance car in Frankfurt, Germany. The ambulance car's number plate begins with the letters FM meaning Frankfurt am Main. The correct abbreviation for Frankfurt am Main on German number plates is F - not FM.
Epiphanies - S2-E13
Factual error: Early in the episode a damaged Viper makes its way back to Galactica with its port-side gun trailing smoke as if in an atmosphere. But in a vacuum, the smoke wouldn't trail. It would build upon itself much the way shaving foam does when slowly leaking from a damaged can, unless the ship changed course and/or speed and then the smoke would appear to do the opposite - ship turns right, smoke moves off to the left because it remains on its original course regardless of what the ship does. The gun is not propelling the smoke rearward. The ammo inside is simply burning. (00:05:15)
Children of the Gods (1) - S1-E1
Factual error: The escort for Colonel O'Neill is wearing both Major and Staff Sergeant rank insignia. Probably what the writers thought was a "Sergeant Major", which does not exist in the Air Force. Major is a commissioned officer, sergeants are non-commissioned officers.
Factual error: A secret file is password-protected on a computer, requiring a six-digit numerical access code. KITT states that the possibilities "are virtually unlimited." In truth, if each digit can be 0 through 9 (numerical meaning no letters or symbols), the possibility is 1 in 10^6, or 1 in a million. A supercomputer like KITT should have no problem running each number systematically until a correct code is found.
Purpose in the Machine - S3-E2
Factual error: When examining the sand, Bobbi states "According to carbon dating..." Fitz finishes by saying "It's a billion years older than the earth." However, carbon dating is only good at determining the age of something to about 60,000 years old. The only thing carbon dating could tell about the sand is that it is 60,000 years old or older. It certainly couldn't determine that the sand was 5 billion years old.
Factual error: The communication delay for earth-moon communications is around 2.6 seconds. Yet Emma's daughter simply dials a cell phone and is connected to her Mom in space past the moon in less than that. The communication has no time lag. (00:18:45)
Factual error: At the start the Robinsons are playing a game of fish, in weightless or free fall conditions. At about 1:30 the computer announces "Completing De-Orbit Burn." De-Orbit Burn involves deceleration. This is not free fall, they should be experiencing the deceleration and hence a sense of gravity. The cards should not float. (00:01:30)
Sanctuary for All: Part 1 - S1-E1
Factual error: When Ashley's Desert Eagle is empty, the slide doesn't lock open.
Factual error: In Season 2, Episode 3, Peter and the Irish family rob the bookmakers and the security guards shoot at them. In Ireland, even the police don't carry weapons. Let alone security guards.
Factual error: The originally-aired version spelled the word "Acquisition" without the "c" and it appeared in the credits as "Aquisition." This goof has been corrected in the DVD versions.
The Big Tick - S2-E2
Factual error: When Gwen and Grandpa Max use the shell plates from the tick to ward off it's corrosive secretions, their fingers should have been eaten away since they were grabbing the rims of the plates when the acid came raining down.