Trivia: (POSSIBLE SPOILER) When Masuka brings up the list of doctors authorized to get the M99, Dexter removes his alias note that Dexter's fake alias (used to get the M99 tranquilizer) is Dr. Patrick Bateman. Patrick Bateman is the lead character of "American Psycho". This was most likely an intentional "easter egg" of sorts within the show.

Trivia: Throughout the show, the number 47 appears many times. There are multiple room 47's (where Syd found the Circumference in season 1 and the room in her memories from season 3, among others.), there are 47 Rambaldi artifacts, and Page 47 of the Rambaldi manuscript was the page that had Sydney's picture on it. Also the pagers flash 47911 when they get called into the office.

Trivia: At around 5 mins 11 seconds into the episode, Vincent Nigel-Murrey and Dr. Saroyan are discussing the bones on the forensic platform. In the background of a shot of Vincent, the x-ray on the screen is of Homer Simpson's head in the middle of the screen, instead of a real human skull.

The Austere Academy: Part One - S2-E1
Trivia: Mr. Poe rhapsodizes over a saccharine sweet book called 'The Pony Party.' That was the title of the fake book printed on the reverse of the dust jacket of 'Lemony Snicket: An Unauthorized Autobiography.'

Trivia: Across Season 4: Two Lois Lanes appear together in this season: Teri Hatcher played Lois Lane in The Adventures of Lois and Clark and Dana Delaney voiced Lois Lane in Superman: The Animated Series and its follow-ups.

Trivia: This episode contains another reference to Sherlock Holmes. Wilson tells the (fictional) story of who had sent House a present. Wilson says it was one of House's first patients called Irena Adler. He then explains that House had feelings for the patient, but did not take it any further and therefore regards her as the 'woman who got away'. Irene Adler was an adversary who bettered Sherlock Holmes - the woman who got away. As it happens, the fist patient House treats in the pilot episode is called Rebecca Adler.

Ozymandias - S5-E14
Trivia: Holly says to Walter "mama" after he changes her diaper. This scene wasn't scripted but Bryan Cranston kept going, realizing it was gold.

Brutal Youth - S4-E5
Trivia: Jack Larson, who played Jimmy Olsen in "The Adventures of Superman" in the 50s, portrays Jimmy Olsen as an old man.

Trivia: Dr. Spencer Reid is the son of an attorney, born in Las Vegas. In real life, Matthew Gray Gubler, the actor who plays Reid, is also the son of an attorney, born in Las Vegas.

Trivia: Doug Ross frequently hung his head low, appearing ashamed or thoughtful or privately amused, depending on the scene. This wasn't just an element of the character: George Clooney had taken to writing his lines on papers, sheets, and other props.

Fifty Shades of Grey Matter - S2-E11
Trivia: Liv listens to an audio erotica novel which is read by actress Kristen Bell. Liv replies "I always felt a kind of connection to her." iZombie was created by Rob Thomas, who also created the series Veronica Mars which starred Kristen Bell.

Trivia: The horse heart that Daenerys eats was actually made of gelatin, and genuinely tasted dreadful - her physical revulsion at eating it is real. It had dyed pasta to simulate veins, and was injected with fake sugary blood, which attracted flies. The blood was so sticky and ended up covering Emilia Clarke to such an extent that after filming it glued her to the toilet seat.

Trivia: Actor Vic Morrow used a non-firing wooden replica of a Tompson submachine gun due to its lighter weight, thus being easier to carry. He used a heavier blank-firing model when it was required to be fired.

Trivia: Due to the rigorous stunts he performed, actor Robert Conrad would often rip out the seat of his already too tight pants.

Trivia: The portrait of Geronimo hanging in the bar was a tribute to Nicholas Colasanto after he died. The portrait originally hung in his dressing room.

Trivia: Karl Urban, who plays Cupid in this episode, also plays Caesar in many episodes.