Best drama TV plot holes of all time

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Power Rangers Wild Force picture

Forever Red - S1-E34

Plot hole: Tommy states that he and the other Zeo Rangers destroyed the Machine Empire's leaders and ultimately destroyed the Machine Empire except for the Generals who escaped. This is not true - Lord Zedd and Rita destroyed the Machine Empire leaders at the end of series 4, and the Space Rangers destroyed them again in Countdown to Destruction in series 6. The Zeo Rangers never destroyed the Machine Empire.

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Suggested correction: How would Tommy know that? He didn't watch the show or know the ins and outs of what happened in space. This is what he believed based on his experiences on Earth. Everything you described is factually correct, but Tommy did not witness this. So, to his knowledge, he destroyed the Machine Empire.

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Quincy M.E. picture

Hit and Run at Danny's - S2-E6

Plot hole: There are three mistakes in one scene when Quincy talks to the driver of the hit and run car and he finds seatbelt bruises on the right side of the throat under an arm sling. First mistake: The bruises will hurt a lot and won't heal if they are under a sling. Second mistake: At the beginning, when the driver struggles with the kidnapped lady while driving he has no seat belt on which touches his throat. Third mistake: When you put a seat belt on sitting in the driver seat the belt will surely touch the left sight of your throat - not the right. (00:39:05)

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The Vampire Diaries picture

Season 5 generally

Plot hole: Bonnie is the anchor for the other side and feels when supernatural beings die. How come she didn't know Katherine wasn't dead? Did she never think it was suspicious that she never felt Katherine's body after she died?

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Suggested correction: Katherine died but didn't go to the other side. So she didn't need to go through Bonnie. She went to hell to Arcadius. Bonnie is not the anchor to hell, we don't know how going to hell works.

After everyone finally realises that Elena had been possessed by her Doppelgänger Predecessor, It is actually shown that Katherine were more or less dragged away from Bonnie before she could crossover to the Otherside. So we do have some idea as to how one ends up in Hell.

Suggested correction: Katherine was a human technically when she died.

Technically, she was supernatural because she was a doppelganger, so she should've gone through Bonnie.

And even she was a traveller.

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Beauty & the Beast picture

Beast Within - S1-E6

Plot hole: The mob hitmen are about to enter the Sweeny family's house to kill them when the police van arrives to move them to a witness protection safe house. In the next scene, the bad guys abduct Catherine and try to force her to reveal where the Sweenies have been taken. Why? They could very easily have waited and simply followed the van. (00:36:30)

Jean G

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars picture

The Deserter - S2-E10

Plot hole: When Lawquane spots the droids in the field, he identifies them instantly as commando droids. But as he had left the Republic Army shortly after the first battle on Geonosis (the one which started the war) and has lived as a farmer ever since, and since the commando droids are relatively new (see "Rookies"), how can he know what they are? With his lack of battlefield experience, he should simply call them battle droids.


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JAG (1995)

JAG picture

Cowboys and Cossacks - S2-E14

Plot hole: When the radar man of the USS Cayuga describes a radar reading to likely be "One of the Russian cruisers", the commanding officer of the USS decides not to pursue it saying, "We are after bigger fish today - I want the Vasilyev". In the film, the Vasilyev is depicted as a destroyer, which is a smaller and lighter ship than a cruiser. In this context, the cruiser would be a "bigger fish" than the Vasilyev and the CO should pursue it instead if he was after the larger, more dangerous vessels as he seems to declare.

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The Unit picture

Into Hell: Part One - S4-E7

Plot hole: The Unit discovers a soldier who they think is Betsy, tied to a chair. They note that the room is covered with PIRs or Passive Infrared Sensors. They then take out their night-vision goggles and begin counting the number of "infrared lines" they see. However, PIR sensors don't emit anything; they are passive. (00:23:15)


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iZombie picture

Eat, Pray, Liv - S3-E3

Plot hole: When Katty is first discussing the dead girl from the plane crash who had brains in her stomach, she says the girl's flesh indicated she died months before she ever got on the plane. But then later in the episode, Katty says the plane crash girl was at the boat party (massacre) the day before she got on the plane. Everyone at the boat party was alive before dying and turning into a zombie, so the girl's flesh would not indicate she was dead for months since she only died the day before.


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Suggested correction: Not everyone at the boat party was "alive", there were some zombies there as well, Blaine included, it is entirely possible that she was a zombie before the boat party happened.


Which episode(s) mention Blaine and others were zombies before the boat party massacre? Everything in the show makes it seem like it was the combination of tainted Utopium and Max Ranger energy drink that night which caused the zombie outbreak, including Blaine's transformation. And the Fillmore-Graves outbreak was a separate incident that Blaine wasn't a part of.


Yeah, the boat party was ground zero for the outbreak, Blaine and everyone else was human when they got on the boat. Nothing suggests otherwise.


When get turned in to a zombie your flesh is dying so her flesh could be dead.

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The Story of Tracy Beaker picture

Life is a Cabaret - S4-E7

Plot hole: In Cam's song in the dream, one of the lines is: "No fun, no sun." However, at the start of the dream, all of the Dumping Ground kids are outside in the daylight.

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Roseanne picture

Scenes from a Barbecue - S3-E24

Plot hole: All the kids and Arnie are about to play a basketball game. Darlene and Chuck Jr. battle in Rock, Paper, Scissors to see who picks first. They both throw scissors, and then Chuck Jr. says he gets to pick first. They should have done it over, since that would be considered 'a tie', he really didn't win. (00:12:10)

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Auf Wiedersehen, Pet picture

Show generally

Plot hole: In the first series, Bomber mentions 'City's my team', referring to Bristol City, and dislikes the other Bristol based football club (Rovers). If this is the case, why is he wearing the distictive blue-and-white quartered shirt of Bristol Rovers in series 4? I know that people change allegiances, but it's very unlikely.

Andy Benham

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General Hospital picture

Show generally

Plot hole: During the 3/29/05 episode, the MetroCourt restaurant is cordoned off as a crime scene following the mob hit. Regardless of the fact that the restaurant is sealed off with crime scene tape and police are present gathering evidence, three characters (Alexis, Diego, and Maria) manage to walk past the crime scene tape and past the cops into the restaurant. Alexis is there taking pictures of the crime scene, even though she is not an employee of the police department nor the DA's office. Maria is there going about her business as manager of the restaurant and Diego is hanging out having a conversation with her. At no time does a police officer ask any of the characters to leave the crime scene area.


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Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles picture

Samson & Delilah - S2-E1

Plot hole: When John inserts Cameron's CPU, she restarts nearly instantly. She recognizes John right away and speaks to him by name. Yet seconds later, we see through her eyes as her system reports recognizing him, but she already does.


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Lost picture

Adrift - S2-E2

Plot hole: Seeing as Jin dived in right after Sawyer, to save him, when Sawyer came up Jin should have been right next to him, or at least in view. However Sawyer hears Jin's voice as if he is miles away when he surfaces, and he is not visible at all.

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The Drew Carey Show picture

Drew and the Motorcycle - S6-E19

Plot hole: In this episode, Drew acts like he is "Kyle", an alter ego he creates once he gets a motorcycle and starts to date the insurance agent who stops by. During the scene where the insurance agent, Drew, Lewis, and Oswald are in the kitchen, Lewis grabs the pan to hit the insurance agent over the head and Drew fights with him, Lewis responds "Drew" and the scene goes on normally. Lewis calls Drew Drew, not Kyle, as he is supposed to be called. If the insurance agent had heard him be called Drew, she would have known it was Drew, and not Kyle, all along.

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Little House on the Prairie picture

The Raccoon - S1-E10

Plot hole: The plot gets confusing here. First, Laura and Jack (the dog) are rabidly bitten by Jasper (her pet racoon). The doctor warns they may have rabies from the bite. A second more dangerous raccoon is discovered which eventually left the area. In the end, Charles (discovering there were two raccoons in the barn after finding Jasper remaining), says Laura is going to be OK after all. The main confusion is that Laura would still be in danger from the bite regardless of which untested raccoon bit her.

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Friday Night Lights picture

State - S1-E22

Plot hole: On the way to the state championship, Lyla's car broke down. She was picked up by Landry and Tyra. After the game, Lyla asked Tyra if she wanted a ride home. How did Lyla get a car?

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Kyle XY picture

The Homecoming - S2-E2

Plot hole: When Mr. Ballentine is telling Emily about her assignment, he sets the blue folder down near his side of the desk before he gets up. Then we see Emily pull it across the table and quickly peek in it. When Ballentine turns around, the folder is still close to Emily, which shows that she at least tried to look in it, yet Ballentine says nothing about it no longer being in the spot where he set it down. If Emily thought that it was okay for her to look in the folder, she wouldn't have waited for Ballentine to turn around before she touched it.

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Richard Diamond, Private Detective picture

A Cup of Black Coffee - S2-E9

Plot hole: Diamond is in a very small town in the middle of rural nowhere, and it's the middle of the night. His car has just been wrecked, driven over a cliff by the bad guy. Yet on the same night, in the cafe at the end, he offers George a ride - for that same night - to New York. (00:25:30)

Jean G

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The Office picture

Mafia - S6-E5

Plot hole: When Jim's bank calls his office, Kevin is there and ends up pretending to be Jim. The Banker automatically assumes that he is not in Puerto Rico only from asking his address and social security number. It would have been very plausible for him to have forwarded the number to his cell phone, where the same scenario could conceivably occur (since The Banker refused to listen when Kevin tried to correct her).


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