Factual error: Sir John Franklin, Francis Crozier and James Fitzjames all wear a crown over an anchor on their epaulettes, the rank badge for a captain with over three years in rank. This is correct for Franklin and Crozier, but Fitzjames only held the rank of commander, and should therefore only be wearing an anchor on his epaulettes.

Factual error: In the last minutes, the show looks forward to future challenges, in effect a preview of the never-made 3rd series. The oracle says they must find "the golden fleece, woven long ago by the Stygian witches." But the golden fleece, or indeed any fleece, is not a woven fabric. (Today's fleece is a modern invention).

Factual error: In the giraffe scene, the Salt Lake LDS Temple can be seen in the background. However, this view of the temple is as it looks today. The building has been undergoing earthquake and stability renovations for a few years (as of 2024), and is completely shrouded in scaffolding. That is the view shown here, and not what the temple would have looked like when "abandoned" in 2003. Also, many of the tall downtown buildings shown in these shots did not exist in 2003.

What If... Captain Carter Were the First Avenger? - S1-E1
Factual error: In the intro, we are shown how Nazi Germany spreads across Europe - but after showing Denmark being conquered, it is shown to start spreading across Sweden. Sweden was never occupied by the Germans in WWII.
Suggested correction: I feel like this falls under the "Not a mistake because it's an alternate universe" umbrella. We're in an entirely different universe with a different timeline in this episode.
The show also makes a point that the only difference should be the minor choices or events befalling the MCU characters, and how these minor things have huge consequences for them, basically creating a new, alternate timeline. Basic world history before these events is not affected by the new timeline.
Suggested correction: The black spot spreading is not representing territory physically conquered by the Nazis, but more of their sphere of influence expanding. It is a steady spread and not a true representation of the war's progression. You can notice how Switzerland is also covered by the black, even though it was neutral during the war. Nor was Italy conquered, but their ally instead.

Factual error: Magnum shows the news of Dr. Karen Harmon on the newspaper to TC and Rick and tells them "She was with the 71st Evac Hospital at Binh Thuy, remember?", but the 71st Evac was at Pleiku, over 600km up north. (00:07:00)

The Legacy - S1-E15
Factual error: For supposedly being Hitler's heirs, the three conspirators are pretty lousy Nazis. None of them notices that on their copy of their idol's book, Mein Kampf, Der Fuhrer's name is prominently misspelled "Adolph" instead of "Adolf." (00:13:00)

Factual error: Barbara shoots her revolver at the guys chasing them. When she stops and gets out of the car, she opens the cylinder and we see she only has 1 round left. However, the other chambers should still have the empty casings in them instead of being empty.

The Seven Crystal Balls: Part 2 - S3-E4
Factual error: When the intruder fires at Tintin, the shot misses him, but instead hits a tree branch. The tree branch is blown off, but the tree that the branch was hanging from has no visible damage. If the bullet had hit the branch and it flew off, there would still be a stump visible from where the branch had snapped off. If the bullet hit the tree and this caused the branch to fly away, there would be a visible bullet mark on the tree. Regardless, there is no way the tree would not have any visible damage done towards it. (00:30:00)

Factual error: In the beginning when the girl's cell phone goes crazy, she says that she should have gotten a Razr. Razr didn't come out until 2004, and this scene takes place in 2002. (00:01:09)

Factual error: Will is asked by Jai to place his wrist watch - which is filled with explosives - against a wall. He does, and it somehow sticks to the vertical concrete wall. An adhesive back would have been noticed by Will, as it was against his skin on his wrist. Not to mention that an explosion in a contained space that small would have deafened them both, or worse. (00:35:05)

The Marriage of Lupin III - S1-E1
Factual error: The magazine roll with the various appearances of Rebecca has pretty solid Italian in it, but some headlines are phrased in ways that just don't work and would never appear on a cover, such as "Finalmente scoperto!", which would translate as "Finally uncovered", but with the wrong gender, and coordinating awkwardly with the following part. Also, they put a "The 10 best movies of the year" on a magazine called "Teatro", which is a word strictly reserved for stage play. (00:04:15)

Factual error: Season 1, Episode 10: Lee is trying to get out of the underworld on his capsule with the rescued others. They all get in, and he closes the top hatch by turning the hatch wheel clockwise. Trying to take off, a wire becomes disconnected outside, and Lee has to go out again. He turns the hatch wheel clockwise, and this time it opens instead of closing. If it was clockwise for close, it should be counterclockwise to open.

Factual error: During the maths exam, Dr. Mariani instructs Lamponne to write two division signs together and then to write 1 divided by 0, two things that are impossible in secondary school maths. (00:41:02)

Reptiles in the Rose Garden - S1-E1
Factual error: When Mrs. President closes the doors, there is a crack between them, but no water pours through it. In the same shot, the water only pours from the bottom of the doors despite the White House being completely underwater. (00:06:55)

Factual error: Early in the episode, while Jason is at the log flume, power lines and transformers are visible to the left. (00:01:15)

Factual error: Even though the show is called "Samurai Jack", Jack isn't really a samurai. The correct title for him would be a Ronin as a Ronin loses their master if their master dies or loses favor with their master and also has no home anywhere. Jack has these attributes. He has no master and no home.
Suggested correction: Nor is his name really Jack. "Jack", and thus "Samurai Jack", is just an alias that the prince takes. It's not meant to be his title or rank. Just like Cowboy Jack wasn't actually a cowboy.

A Ghost for Scotland Yard - S2-E8
Factual error: Bearing in mind the episode takes place in London, Sir Arthur MacCready is driving his Rolls Royce. The car has the steering wheel on the left hand side. A true British Rolls Royce would have the steering wheel on the right side. This is a Hollywood Rolls Royce.

Factual error: In Mike's quarters, the poster of the Lunar Lander appears to have the Lander oriented incorrectly.

Factual error: When the large Dutch guy tells his story about his life in Holland, there are a several windmills. However, the blades are placed on the wrong side, that way it's not possible for a windmill to turn clockwise, which it does. If the blades were placed correctly, they would still turn to the wrong side, because wooden windmills in The Netherlands are always turning counter-clockwise.

Factual error: When Nigel is in the gyrocopter thing and is over the sea/ocean, you can see off into the distance an island with what appears to be houses, but it is supposed to be prehistoric times.