Factual error: In what is supposed to be a maximum security prison, the inmates (all of whom have stylish but non-prison-regulation haircuts) have a pool-cue brawl in a completely unsupervised rec room. Not a guard in sight.
The Legacy - S1-E15
Factual error: Reel-to-reel tape recorders were threaded left-to-right and pulled the tape in a L-R direction. The machine playing Briggs' assignment in the opening sequence, however, is running backwards. It also changes to a different reel and a different machine when he removes the finished tape from the wrong side of the recorder. (00:02:00)
The Legacy - S1-E15
Factual error: For supposedly being Hitler's heirs, the three conspirators are pretty lousy Nazis. None of them notices that on their copy of their idol's book, Mein Kampf, Der Fuhrer's name is prominently misspelled "Adolph" instead of "Adolf." (00:13:00)
Answer: We don't know what would happen because the show never addressed this issue. Any answer would be speculation. This is a TV show, and the plot is structured so that only IMF team will retrieve the secret message.
raywest ★