Factual error: The men rowing the longboat into the wharf at Nassau are completely hopeless oarsmen. Needless to say, 18th century sailors would have been expert oarsmen. Untrained 21st century actors are not.

Robo Koopa - S1-E52
Factual error: Koopa tries to kill the Mario brothers, Bunsun and Dr. Nerdnik by pushing an electric pole at them. Mario and Luigi use a nearby fire hydrant to protect them by having water rush out of it and keeping the pole from crushing them. There is no way a single blast of water can stop a large pole from falling, and the brothers would have been electrocuted as soon as the water hit the pole. (00:07:00)

Reptiles in the Rose Garden - S1-E1
Factual error: After the White House is teleported to the Mushroom Kingdom, the President can be seen still using his phone, but it would not work as it would be disconnected from the landline. (00:03:44 - 00:07:19)

Factual error: In Mike's quarters, the poster of the Lunar Lander appears to have the Lander oriented incorrectly.

Factual error: When the large Dutch guy tells his story about his life in Holland, there are a several windmills. However, the blades are placed on the wrong side, that way it's not possible for a windmill to turn clockwise, which it does. If the blades were placed correctly, they would still turn to the wrong side, because wooden windmills in The Netherlands are always turning counter-clockwise.

A Ghost for Scotland Yard - S2-E8
Factual error: Bearing in mind the episode takes place in London, Sir Arthur MacCready is driving his Rolls Royce. The car has the steering wheel on the left hand side. A true British Rolls Royce would have the steering wheel on the right side. This is a Hollywood Rolls Royce.

Making Dead Things Look Nice - S4-E7
Factual error: When Carolyn leaves the hotel and gets into the taxi, you can briefly spot the license plate. In Austria, the first part has only one or two letters; here it is three letters. For Salzburg, it should be S or SL.

Factual error: The group finds an underground sea and there is a flock of pterosaurs flying overhead. The professor identifies the pterosaurs as the missing link between pterodactyls and archaeopteryx. This is not true as archaeopteryx (and other birds) did not descend from pterosaurs but from a branch of theropod dinosaurs.

Factual error: When Nigel is in the gyrocopter thing and is over the sea/ocean, you can see off into the distance an island with what appears to be houses, but it is supposed to be prehistoric times.

Factual error: When His Divine Shadow lays on the table to have his brain removed, the machine cuts his skull open and simply reaches in with a three pronged hand and tugs on the brain pulling it out. It would not have worked this way... The brain is about the same consistency as gravy and the prongs on the hand/claw putting pressure on it to pull would have caused them to sink into the brain's tissue destroying it. Also it pulls the brain out without cutting or separating it from the spinal column and merely just pulls it out from the top. This would have caused his brain to be torn into pieces as it was tried to be pulled off the spinal column, not come out perfectly in one piece as shown. (01:09:00)

Factual error: Dario Brando dies in 1880 (date on the gravestone) but when he was screaming at his son from his bed, Dio was reading "The Rise of Silas Lapham", which while being appropriate for his character, would be published only 5 years laters (started serialization in 1884).

Factual error: At the end when Skeksis enters the crystal chamber, in the overhead shot you can see 22 arcane symbols around the crystal when there should only be 18, one for each exiled skeksis. (00:45:53)

Factual error: In "What Happened to Frederick", Kathryn learns about David's affair and confronts Mary Margaret at school (after taking her anger out on Regina), where students and teachers are milling about. Later, she apologizes to Regina for "what happened yesterday", whereas Emma, earlier that day, seeks out Henry at school. Kathryn leaves Storybrooke the same day, and mysteriously disappears. According to Kathryn's phone records in this episode, she disappeared on a Sunday. However, the day she left, and the day before, was a school day. In the U.S., school classes are not in session during weekends. (00:38:25)

Factual error: The story takes place in Galveston, Texas. The geographical area is flat, but if you look closely near the last hulk out, there are mountains in the background.

Factual error: Semi-automatic pistols, rifles and fully-automatic rifles and machine guns never eject spent shell casings in the show.

Factual error: When the X-Men are surfacing after crashing their jet into the dam, Shadowcat is shown phasing through the jet and pulling Wolverine and Beast through with her. Since Wolverine's bones are coated with a heavy metal, he wouldn't be able to float to the surface. He would sink instead. (00:14:57)

Chapter 10: The Passenger - S2-E2
Factual error: The premise of the episode is that Mando needs to travel at sublight speed or else the fragile eggs will die. They need to travel to a nearby star system, though, not just a planet. Stars can't be too close together, so Mando is in for a trip that would take him literally years, which is not reflected at all by what is shown in the episode. (00:08:00)

Airwolf II - S3-E2
Factual error: The computer mistakes a private airplane for a MIG-23, however the picture on the screen of a MIG-23 is completely wrong, it shows a French Dassault Super Mystere.

Factual error: When Blackthorne is on Rodrigues' ship, Rodrigues offers him grog. But grog was only invented in 1740, by British Vice Admiral Edward Vernon, whose nickname was "Old Grog" because of his preference for coats made of grogram cloth.

Episode #1.1 - S1-E1
Factual error: There is a view of the night sky in southern Africa. However, both the Big and Little Dippers (along with Polaris) are visible. In general, these constellations are not visible in the southern hemisphere, and where they are (North of 1° South latitude) they are very close to the horizon. The Big Dipper (Ursa Major) is to the left of the screen and Polaris (part of the Little Dipper = Ursa Minor) in near the top-center. This occurs shortly after the lion cub scene. (00:44:00)