Question: In the locker room before the fights begin, Gillon uses the phrase, "blind as Tidwell's goat." What is the reference here? I've looked online and can't find anything about it.
Question: How could the girls not see that Martha was a boy? In the movie his voice is deep well until Kim came to visit him.
Answer: Maybe they just thought he had a deep voice for a girl. I also thought about that, like when the girls hug Martha he's a guy - no boobs - but it's just a fun movie.
Answer: Cross-dressing is a time honored tradition in comedy and it requires quite a bit of suspension of disbelief to enjoy. A character who is obviously a boy to the audience but none of the characters noticing is a big part of what makes these films funny.
Question: I'm no expert on figure skating, so could someone explain why Kate couldn't just become a single skater when she had trouble finding a partner to work with? (Her father says that they should have made her a single skater). To the untrained eye, the fundamentals of single and pair skating seem the same.
Chosen answer: One reason is that singles skating focuses on jumps. Pair skaters usually do side-by-side jumps like double axles and the easier triple jumps. Single skaters now do up to three triple jumps in a row - a skill that pair skaters do not work so hard to master and may set her back in competitions.
Answer: Maybe it's just a local reference known only to the local residents of Diggstown. Then again, I can't find any info on the town of Diggstown either.
Diggstown, GA is a fictional town.