Audio problem: Right after the final buzzer, Julie the Cat skates out of the goal and pushes off her helmet, yelling "all right". She's smiling and her lips don't move.

Audio problem: When the Kumite's history is being announced by the black dragon leader, just before the first fight, every word he says has been dubbed. Hardly any of his mouth movements match his words.

Audio problem: As the play by play announcer calls the final inning of the final game he describes the ground out to third as a ball "hit to the right side". A ground ball to third would have been described as hit to the left side.

Audio problem: When the number 8 soccer player says to the other soccer player, "Your mother is a chain smoking terrorist," his mouth isn't moving.

Audio problem: In the scene where Jerry and Dorothy are having dinner at a restaurant, Dorothy leaves the table to make a phone call. While she is on the phone the Mexican musicians come over to Jerry and start playing music at their table. At one point, the shot is on Jerry with the violin player standing behind him. In the song they are playing you can hear the sound of the violin playing, but at the same time the violin player standing behind Jerry drops his violin and is holding it at waist level while the song is still playing. Since he is the only violin player there is no way we should still be hearing it in the song.

Audio problem: During any fight when people are yelling "Mo cuishle", watch the spectators around and you'll notice that no one is mouthing the words, or is in sync with those words. Even if the yelling came from offscreen (i.e. from the farthest bleachers) the noise should have sounded from far away, not as neat and close as it sounds.

Audio problem: Al's piano playing does not match his finger movements.

Audio problem: In the scene after Brittany's party, Coop and Remer are playing BASEketball in their driveway. As Squeak walks up, Coop shoots and Remer says "Miss it. Steve Perry, Steve Perry." If you look at Remer's face, his mouth is not moving while this is said.

Audio problem: In the long shot of the scene where Harold Abrahams is sitting in the stands after losing to Liddell a groundsman is lifting the seats. The clattering sound from this is out of synch with his movements.

Audio problem: In the scene in the foster home playground where Tracy Reynolds tells Calvin that he is going to adopt him, Calvin has tears (or sweat) running down his face, then the tears are gone and then they return again. However, at no time during or after the adoption conversation (or anywhere in the film for that matter) does Calvin shed any tears. They are likely from an earlier scene that was deleted.

Audio problem: When Rivers is yelling "Run for touchdown," her mouth doesn't match what she's saying at all.

Audio problem: In the scene after the referee has shouted that it's Sudden Death, the commentators are talking. The only sound you can hear is them talking. But if you look behind them, there are loads of people who are shouting. (01:21:00)

Audio problem: When Prof Fate gets up from the organ it continues to play the Bach Toccata, but the keys and the pattern in the piano roll controlling the organ are not the same as the music.

Audio problem: When Kate skates off after we see the "I've got laundry that can skate better than that" scene, we see her skating and can hear the sounds of her blades scraping the ice. However, the moves she's making doesn't match the sounds we hear.

Audio problem: When Burt Young is dining with Iris he laughs/chuckles at one point yet his mouth never opens.

Audio problem: When Rocky steps down from the plane from Russia he says "Where's the kid?" but his mouth is not in sync. The scene was obviously dubbed.

Audio problem: When the Flames are shown training, a girl jumps through a tire and lands on a platform. She is shown sinking into it, yet it makes a clanging sound when she lands.

Audio problem: At the end of the fight when Apollo tells Rocky there won't be a rematch, his lips aren't moving. Rocky's lips aren't moving either when he says "Don't want one!"

Audio problem: When Steve is at Yankee Stadium during the tryouts, his wooden bat makes the sound of a metal bat.

Audio problem: When Brad's team is taking ground balls, he is hitting with a wood bat but it is making a metal bat sound.