Audio problem: At the end when the women are at the Baseball Hall of Fame, Marla says to Mr. Capadino, "this is when you changed my life," but her lips don't move.

Audio problem: When Kate skates off after we see the "I've got laundry that can skate better than that" scene, we see her skating and can hear the sounds of her blades scraping the ice. However, the moves she's making doesn't match the sounds we hear.

Audio problem: When the Flames are shown training, a girl jumps through a tire and lands on a platform. She is shown sinking into it, yet it makes a clanging sound when she lands.

Audio problem: During the first hockey game, two players almost get in a fight, and the ref pulls them apart. He says something, but his mouth doesn't match what he says.

Audio problem: During the scene in the restaurant where Hiroko surprises Jack with the Kobe Beef dish, Hiroko's lips aren't moving when she says "Sorry, little joke!".