Question: In the scene when the Mad Hatter is "fixing" the rabbit's watch, the Hatter exclaims "It was!" before the rabbit states that the watch was an unbirthday present. Is this on purpose? Or an editing mistake?
Answer: Actually, the White Rabbit sees his damaged watch, says "Oh! My watch". THEN the Mad Hatter says "It was!", then the White Rabbit says that it was an unbirthday gift. So the exchange of dialogue makes sense.
Answer: I think it is an editing mistake. The Mad Hatter is way too excited as if he had just heard it was an unbirthday present.

Question: At the very end when they show the sun setting over the hill, you can see something/someone moving across the screen, just under the ground. Is this done to symbolize something, or was it a sort of camera problem?
Answer: According to Ted Neeley and Norman Jewison on the DVD commentary, the shepherd walking across the frame in the final shot of the film was never intended to be there, and just happened across the shot as they were filming. Because of the significance of a shepherd in the teachings of Christ, Jewison and the crew were struck profoundly by the timing of this shepherd crossing the field, and kept the shot. They got a perfect sunset, as well as a subtle depiction of the resurrection.

Question: At the end of the "We Are One" song, Simba and Kiara have returned to pride rock around sunset. Fine, fine, but the thing that's been bugging me for years is: Kiara stares intently at something, causing Simba to frown and look up to see what she sees. He seems to chuckle, then turns back to her. What is it that they were looking at before he says "You'll understand some day" and why is it there?
Answer: Kiara is staring at the tip of Pride Rock and thinking of the that she will be a leader one day, due to the fact that shown in the first movie that this is where the new kings/queens roar to show that they are the new rulers. Simba notices her looking and chuckles at the irony of him having wanting to be leader so badly at her age and Kiara not wanting to be a leader at all.

Question: Why was Toulouse crying at the end of the Elephant Love Medley? If I am correct he was sitting on a balcony eating and drinking when singing the words "How wonderful life is, now you're in the world." Is it just that he is happy about his dream of finally getting the Bohemian Play? Is it a potential that he is in love with Christian or Satine. Another possibility is that he just happy seeing Christian in love, since Christian previously stated that he had never been in love before?
Answer: The way I saw it, that was Toulouse in present day singing, after the death of Satine etc.
He's a funny little man who is lonely himself. All he has is his bottle when everything is all said and done. He has nobody.
Answer: Maybe it's sort of a foreshadowing.

Question: When they are singing under a tree full of doves, it looks like they were tied to the tree branches. Is this true?
Answer: Yes it is true. They did this to prevent the birds from flying into the backdrops and becoming injured or killed.

Question: One of my co-workers said the first line in the show was, "Michael Renee was sick the day the Earth stood still". Could you give me the exact first line and what it means?
Answer: The first line to the lyrics of 'Science Fiction/Double Feature' is "Michael Rennie was ill The Day the Earth Stood Still, but he told us where we stand." That line is a reference to the 1951 film classic 'The Day the Earth Stood Still', which stars Michael Rennie as Klaatu, the alien from outer-space, who is shot at the start of the film when he tries to convey a dire message of goodwill to the humans. The rest of the song lyrics refer to other science fiction films including 'The Invisible Man' starring Claude Rains, 'King Kong' starring Fay Wray, and 'Tarantula' starring Leo G. Carroll.

Question: Chad tries to discourage Troy from singing with the line, "If you sing in musicals, you're going to end up in my mom's refrigerator." Any clue as to what this means?
Answer: When Chad brings up Michael Crawford (the iconic Phantom in musical performances of Phantom of the Opera) he points out that Crawford's picture has never been on cereal (Wheaties) boxes like popular athletes. Chad says that his mom saw Phantom of the Opera on Broadway 27 times, and she put Crawford's picture "in" her refrigerator. So then Chad tells Troy that if he plays basketball his picture will end up on a cereal box, but if he sings in musicals his picture will only end up in his mom's (or anyone's) refrigerator. Apparently since Chad's mom was nuts about Michael Crawford, one of her "crazy diet ideas" was to put Crawford's picture in the fridge to help her stick to her diet.

Question: Several times near the end of the movie, the German soldiers speak in German without subtitles. Can anyone translate?
Answer: All I could catch was "VORAN,VORAN" which means "Go, go!"
Answer: I added some translations for this to the Trivia page for this movie here on moviemistakes.com a while back. https://www.moviemistakes.com/entry213396.

Question: Why did they use actors who couldn't sing in the leading roles? Wouldn't it be easier to cast people who could sing instead of dubbing with other singing voices?
Answer: People would not come to the theater to see Marnie Nixon despite the fact that she has sung the lead roles in West Side Story, The King and I, and My Fair Lady. They'd rather see that darling girl from "Miracle on 34th Street" again (or Deborah Kerr or Audrey Hepburn) than an unknown with actual talent.
Answer: Natalie Wood was more well-known. And Wood actually COULD sing, she just couldn't hit the high notes perfectly. In fact, she was told only some of her singing would be dubbed.

Question: How in the world were Nicky and the models able to slip past the guard dogs?
Answer: As shown in Nicky's office, him and the models are professionals, judging from the different tools that they are using and a map of the Mallory Gallery. All they would have to do is watch and wait for the dogs to leave a specific area, and they would be able to get in because of how quiet they were while Kermit and friends were caught because of how much noise Animal made while trying to eat through the bars.

Question: In Mrs. Lovett's song "By the Sea," near the end she sings "Bring along your chopper!" What is the word "chopper" supposed to mean? Sweeney can bring his what?
Answer: His knife/razor/sharp edge to kill someone with.

Question: I once heard that there's a shell somewhere in the movie that has a profanity written on it. Is this true?
Answer: Yet another Disney urban legend.

Question: Yukon has a gun - why he didn't just shoot the snow creature at the cave?
Answer: It's a kid's show, not Game of Thrones.

Question: I have looked all over the web for the wav of the sound Goofy makes whenever he is falling, which he does at least once in every cartoon he is in. It sounds like 'yah-ha-ha-hooey.' I have never found it, so can someone point me to where I might be able to download it?
Answer: Took about 1 minute to Google this: http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/7451/sounds.html.

Question: Does anybody know how they did the scene where Mary Poppins is doing a duet with her mirror image?
Chosen answer: They recorded her singing in two separate parts and fixed them together. The editors did a good job on it! It may have been made a long time ago but even then the technology was quite advanced enough to carry out that scene.

Question: Why does the general really appoint Li Shang as the new captain?
Answer: For the reasons stated. He believes him to be a highly competent soldier and trainer. While this opinion is probably influenced by Li Shang being his son, it does prove to be correct, as Li Shang's training is what allows the small group to succeed in battling the Huns.

Question: On the soundtrack Dimucci sings the song "Do it for our Country" as a solo number. In the film it's a duet with Sharon. Does anyone know why they changed it in the film, or let Peter Frechette sing it alone on the soundtrack?
Answer: "Do It For Our Country" is a duet between Sharon and Louis. Maureen Teefy couldn't make it to the recording session, so Peter Frechette had to sing the whole song himself, which is why Maureen's vocals aren't on the movie's soundtrack. In some recordings her voice was dubbed in later.
Answer: As seen in the movie, the Fog Juice made it difficult to see anything. Sally had hoped that with no way of seeing where he was going, she would be able to stop him from leaving Halloween Town and save his life.