Question: What is the name of the last song they dance to at the Christmas dance? I know I've heard it before, but I can't put a name on it.

Question: Does anyone know if there is a soundtrack (CD) for this movie available anywhere?
Answer: I doubt it as, the film was made during Parker's college years, but every song asis available as an mp3 at www.cannibalthemusical.net.
Answer: You can now buy it via the link - it became available in May 2024: https://www.klaaturecords.com/products/cannibal-the-musical-music-from-the-motion-picture-soundtrack.

Question: If there was no Beatles, where did the toy yellow submarine come from?
Answer: Believe it or not, the Beatles did not invent the idea that a submarine could be yellow, and yellow toy submarines were sold for children to play with.
Answer: It is just a toy submarine molded or repainted in yellow. Only the 'stalker' fans know the reference to the Beatles song.
Answer: I think it was so those 2 people that knew of the Beatles could prove they knew the Beatles song, since presumably that was a song Jack forgot about.
Answer: None of these answers explain why it's shaped the same as the submarine from "yellow submarine." It's a specific shape that didn't exist before the Beatles, so shouldn't exist.

Question: Is Ramin Karimloo (in the grey suit and bowler hat, without his Phantom make up) sitting to our right of Carlotta during the rehearsal for Don Juan Triumphant? (01:39:40)
Chosen answer: Although that would be funny, I rather doubt that's Ramin Karimloo. From the DVD's special features he revealed that it takes an hour to transform him into the Phantom. Since this was filmed live on stage, it would be very impractical to have him take the makeup off halfway through the musical.

Question: This may sound like a silly question, but who are the pirates who don't do anything?
Answer: Exactly what they call themselves. Pirates who don't do anything, they just stay home and lay around. It's from a veggie tales silly song from an older release.
Would they be genuine pirates if they didn't do anything? A pirate is basically a person who attacks, and robs ships at sea.

Question: Does Maria die at the end of West Side Story?
Answer: No, she doesn't, but Tony is shot and killed.

Question: When they're singing "Professional Pirate" to Jim, the bald human says, "And me, I could have been a contender." Everyone laughs, and the crustacean gives him a dirty look, they even cut to him to show it. Am I mishearing? What's he saying, what's the joke?
Answer: You heard it right. "I coulda been a contender." is part of a famous, often quoted line spoken by Marlon Brandon in "On the Waterfront."

Question: Does anyone know how the effect of Kermit riding the bicycle was done?
Answer: The closest thing to an answer is here, Martin Becker's obituary. His family states that it was a robotic Kermit on a bicycle. Outside of that, everyone else associated with the movie has been quiet on the subject. http://www.fridaythe13thfilms.com/saga/part5/martinbecker.html.
They used gyros in the wheels - Martin Becker made the first self-driving bike for that movie-now the same tech is used in the self-driving bikes seen in the Netherlands. -Diana Becker, Martin's widow.

Question: Why did Julie Andrews refuse her Tony nomination for this film?
Answer: She accepted the Oscar nomination for the film. She turned down the Tony nomination for the Broadway musical because no one else got nominated and she thought it was unfair.

Question: How does the movie actually end? Do Dolly and Horace go into the Church to get married?
Chosen answer: Yes.

Question: Near the end, when Scrooge is in the toy shop buying lots of toys, the shopkeeper has a shocked look on his face throughout, especially at the bit where Scrooge asks how much all the things are all together. Is it shock because Scrooge is suddenly nice, shock because Scrooge is buying up most of the shop and he's got to add it all up in his head quick, or both?
Answer: Most likely because he's buying the shop's entire inventory. That would be shocking enough to explain his reaction.

Question: At the beginning when they meet she sings a few lines of Shallow, then presumably the next day at his show he brings her onstage, and they sing the whole song with the band and all...how is this possible with zero rehearsal time?

Question: One of the mistakes on this site state that you can see Crutchy dancing without the use of his crutch. When and during which number?
Answer: During the "Two for a Penny" sequence in Carrying the Banner, you can see Crutchy dancing in one of the back rows on the right without his crutch. You can also see him walking without it behind David during the first Sieze the Day when David sings "Arise and seize the day!"

Question: Why is Eeyore always sad? Does he suffer from depression?
Answer: It's never definitively explained, but Eeyore apparently suffers from depression, is sad about his tail, and generally always feels unhappy. Actually, he is just one character that displays a certain emotional type. Tigger is hyperactive and attention deficit, Rabbit is obsessive-compulsive, Owl is narcissistic, Piglet suffers from anxiety, and Pooh has an eating disorder.

Question: Higgins presumably knows about the ball's high standards of dress for men and women. Why then is he the only man there who is not wearing white gloves (which are routine for such occasions)?

Question: When Bluto was meeting in private with Wimpy, what were they talking about?
Answer: One, Bluto is a bully and threatened him, after all his name is Wimpy. Plus he most likely offered to buy him a hamburger, which he would have paid next Tuesday.
Answer: How did Bluto convince Wimpy to do it?
Answer: To grab Swee'pea, while everyone was cheering Popeye for dunking the Tax Collector.

Question: When Bette Midler and Barbara Hershey are at the laundromat, they are playing cards. All of a sudden the old man in the background starts laughing. Then Bette and Barbara start laughing? Is this a laugh fest?
Answer: He overheard CC say that a man would never do a woman's laundry no matter how much he loved her. Which is true.
Answer: The man laughs because he is mentally challenged, and Bette and Barbara just begin to laugh at him. A bit un-PC.
Answer: First of all, it was a woman. Second, she heard CC say that men never want to do laundry not even for their woman.
Chosen answer: Auld Lang Syne.