Audio problem: In the song "I'm Getting Married in the Morning" Alfred steps on the pianist's hand. After this, is the piano keys he hits aren't the same as what we hear.
Audio problem: In the club scene toward the beginning of the movie, Kelly and Basin are talking to her brother Felix. Kelly says "Come on, there's a guy over there who says he'll pierce our navels for free." But if you look closely, you can see that Kelly actually says "pierce our nipples for free."
Audio problem: At one point near the end of the movie, you can hear Tzeitel's baby crying. Watch closely, and you'll see that the baby's mouth is not moving. It's even closed at times.
Audio problem: Sophie and her boyfriend sing at the beach, he says he likes to smoke and pronounces the word "true" with the camera facing him. Right afterwards there's a side shot and music is heard with no lyrics, but he is mouthing as if singing. Then back to a front shot and now he sings and mouths.
Audio problem: When CC first meets Hilary, CC is under the boardwalk. As CC talks, the audio is ahead of her mouth movements, and when she says "Ritzy or Cheap?" her mouth is completely shut.
Audio problem: In the scene where Mark throws the keys to Collins the second time, he comes back in the window and we can see Roger sitting on the couch. It appears that Roger is strumming his guitar, but there's no sound from it.
Audio problem: When the Blues Brothers are beginning their song Turn on Your Love Light for the battle of the bands, a horn is heard as an indicator for each singer to turn around, but none of the 3 horn players are actually playing their instrument.
Audio problem: In one of his most famous movie scenes, Elvis lip syncs the wrong words to Jailhouse Rock. Watch his lips when he sings the words "The (band) was jumpin' down, the joint began to swing." (01:05:00)
Suggested correction: The correct lyrics are: "The band was jumpin' and the joint began to swing." Not sure if this corrects the lip syncing discrepancy though.
Audio problem: When Comicus is announced in Caesar's court, the trumpeters play "Hooray for Hollywood". Notice that the music starts before they get their instruments to their mouths.
Audio problem: When Professor Brown and Miss Price are eating, he asks, "Why are you so interested in that?" His mouth doesn't move in sync with the words.
Audio problem: If you listen carefully during the conversation between Marian and Ameryllis before "Goodnight, My Someone," you may notice something quite strange. After she is comforted by Marian, Ameryllis asks her, "If A GIRL doesn't have a sweetheart, who's HE going to say goodnight to on the evening star?"
Audio problem: In the "How Lucky Can You Get?" musical number, when Fanny is turning on the stage lights she is not singing, although Streisand's singing voice is heard on the soundtrack.
Audio problem: In the scene where Jafar throws the Genie to the ground, Jasmine says "Genie" but her mouth doesn't move.
Audio problem: During Phil's song, when he sings about mowing the lawn, his lips don't match what he's saying.
Audio problem: During the song "Judas' Death", Caiaphas sings the line "What you have done will be the saving of everyone", but his mouth is saying " the saving of Israel", the song's original lyric. (01:24:00)
Audio problem: When Anschel and Avigdor are arguing, Avigdor says, "Aww, what's the matter with you?" But his lips are saying something different.
Audio problem: At the beginning of the song "It's Over", during the first chorus while Galleria leans her head against the pole of the bed, the words that she is singing, or lip-synching, are different than the words that can be heard. While she is mouthing "How COULD I let the sweetest." you can hear "How DID I let the sweetest."
Audio problem: In the scene where Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is passing the train you can see a continuous trail of smoke issuing from the train. It is exiting from the train's whistle, meaning that there should be a continuous high pitched whistling noise, yet there is no such thing.
Audio problem: When Prof Fate gets up from the organ it continues to play the Bach Toccata, but the keys and the pattern in the piano roll controlling the organ are not the same as the music.
Audio problem: In the song "Turn up the music" sometimes Olivia's mouth isn't moving when she sings.