Revealing mistake: In an early scene Cole and his future wife watch fireworks over Paris through a doorway overlooking a balcony. The explosions are reflected on the glass of the open door, which is at an angle to the POV. But the CGI fireworks and their reflection in the glass are squashed to fit into the foreshortened pane of glass. In reality the reflected image would be like any mirror, with the image inverted left-for-right.

Revealing mistake: When Cheech and Chong are parked in their car smoking a joint, the car is filled with smoke. The smoke must come from a smoke machine outside as it is moving around very fast as if blown by the wind. (00:13:25)

Revealing mistake: After Miley lets a truckload of walnuts roll down the street, the British reporter is having a hard time keeping his balance. At one point, both feet just barely touch the ground and it is quite obvious that he was suspended on a cable during filming.

Revealing mistake: When Mandras is being treated, following his long trek back to the village (he has apparently walked barefoot), the tops of his feet are covered with blood and dirt. When he is laid on the table by the doctor, the soles of his feet are facing camera, and they are clean and white.

Revealing mistake: In the scene in which Honey is distributing posters with her father, as the camera pans out after they put up the poster you can see "Queen Video" on a sign across the street, indicating not New York City but Queen St. W in Toronto. (01:15:00 - 01:16:00)

Revealing mistake: When JB and KG are doing the powerslide in the Rock N Roll History Museum, you can see that KG is wearing knee pads to help him slide.

Revealing mistake: When Michael and Spike are having a dance off, behind them the road continues. It is so obvious that the road is just a backdrop, along the road the texture and colours change at one particular point, also the sky.

Revealing mistake: When Sara is auditioning for Juilliard, after she does the grand jete at the end of her ballet piece, you can clearly see that the girl doing the grand jete is not Julia Stiles.

Revealing mistake: Penny is held captive in her bedroom, the window covered by bars. Seaweed shows up to 'rescue' her, brandishing large wire cutters and clips the bar on her left, but you can see the bar on her right is pre-cut as he bends both, just before she climbs out the window.

Revealing mistake: Towards the end when the Phantom's lair is collapsing, you can see bricks falling into the sewer water and floating. Obviously they were made out of light-weight material and not out of actual stone.

Revealing mistake: At "El Beachio," when Kevin and Perry order the two lovely ladies a drink, you can briefly see that the glasses are already nearly empty as the waiter gives them to the girls. Presumably, this was done because the girls are expected to nearly finish their drink in a couple of seconds before making a sharp exit due to the embarrassing fake phone call Candice just made. (00:27:35)

Revealing mistake: During "Run Like Hell", when Pink's followers set an attack dog loose on an innocent man in the alleyway, the foam protective sleeve is visible on the victim's arm.

Revealing mistake: When Spats Columbo's gangsters are being searched for weapons at the Florida Hotel, the man doing the pat search can be seen placing the gun behind the gangster's leg, just before it supposedly drops out of his trouser leg.

Revealing mistake: In their hotel room Ringo says, "Do I snore, John?" If you look at Paul's hands on the piano it's obvious that he's not playing and that it's an over-dub that we are listening to. (00:17:30)

Revealing mistake: Jack and his brother are driving in a truck and the speedometer shows zero.

Revealing mistake: When Brittany's brother hacks Jordan's cell phone, the cell phone is off.

Revealing mistake: During Alex's dance at the committee, the dancing doubles are quite clear, evident by the obvious wigs and change in height of legwarmers. (01:23:20)

Revealing mistake: As the boat is in its final minutes, two of the crew are shown swimming across the deck to get to the dry part. But once they've climbed up, their clothes are still dry.

Revealing mistake: The Bears' bus is driving by a green highway sign reading something like "Nutville 2". Road signs are normally made of something rigid. But as the bus passes, the sign ripples in the breeze, and you can tell it's just made of fabric or plastic.

Revealing mistake: There are brown pieces of paper that the brother has supposedly been writing songs on (when his sister is in the room cleaning). She picks up the papers and starts to sing, and he flips one of the pieces over as if they have writing on both sides. Only there is no writing on them, even though she is singing the lyrics he has written.