Visible crew/equipment: When grown up Alan is running around shouting "I'm Home!" after just arriving back from the jungle, the camera pans past a grandfather clock, and you can clearly see the legs of a crewmember reflected in the glass panel of the clock, moving in time with the camera. (00:30:50)
Visible crew/equipment: In the beginning, when Duke stops the car and walks to the trunk, the boom mic operator is reflected in the side of the car.
Visible crew/equipment: After Tom Skerritt turns to find Ron Perlman waiting for him on the road he stops walking on an easy to see white T mark on the ground.
Visible crew/equipment: Just before John Coffey is about to be executed, he's sitting on his chair in the cell. As he stands up, you see him lift his leg onto a platform. The platform was used to make him look about a foot taller than he actually is. (02:38:00)
Visible crew/equipment: After Sidious has killed Windu he speaks to Anakin. Sidious says, "Become my apprentice. Learn to use the dark side of the Force," and just as he says the words "the Force" you can see the tip of the boom microphone dip down above his head. This is visible on the 2005 full screen DVD. (01:12:30)
Visible crew/equipment: The night before his procedure, when Dr. Pincus arrives at his apartment he removes his coat, and just as he begins to walk past the frame the reflection of the cameraman is visible on the glass, behind Dr. Pincus's reflection. (00:08:20)
Visible crew/equipment: In the shot that shows Skeet Ulrich get out of the car to chase Robin Tunney, the guy is a stunt actor. OK all movies have stunt men but a) this guy looks nothing like the actor b) it's not even a stunt.
Visible crew/equipment: When the evil Superman flies into the junkyard, you can plainly see the wires from the harness. (01:26:00)
Visible crew/equipment: When the rocket lands on Zyra, at the end of the landing, you can see the wire at the nose of ship guiding it. (01:19:15)
Visible crew/equipment: After Lucifer talks to God and doesn't know what is happening and Saint Peter comes to escort him out they get into a discussion why he failed the entrance examination, you can see a reflection in glass between the camera and Lucifer and a man who does not appear to be St. Peter. (Maybe director Stanley Donen?) (01:39:25)
Visible crew/equipment: When Ella is tending Char's wound, they get up, and while Char is putting on his shirt you can see his microphone clipped to the back of his pants.
Visible crew/equipment: A boom mike is visible at the very end of the "What's My Perversion" segment.
Visible crew/equipment: Sometimes, especially at night, you can see the lights of the equipment reflect off of Tony's glasses. We know this isn't the moon or a car light because for one thing it's the wrong shape and when Rudolf is sucking blood out of the cow there is no moon or car nearby. So there is only one place the light could have come from, and that would be the crew equipment.
Visible crew/equipment: When Nimbly takes off and flies onto Xayide's wagon, the wires pulling him up are visible. (00:58:35)
Visible crew/equipment: In the Sperm song, when the verse says "Mine, and mine" and the corpse says "Mine", you can see a distorted silhouette of a lighting tripod (It could not be a camera tripod as the camera is in a different angle).
Visible crew/equipment: When the hydra comes out of the cave,look closely at the ground. The track the hydra is being pulled across is visible.
Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Lowry is in his new office in Information Retrieval and discovers that he shares a desk with Harvey Lime next door, watch as the camera dollies after Sam into Lime's office: first the camera wobbles as it grazes the door, then later in the scene as the camera moves in further, it bumps audibly to a halt against the edge of the desk, complete with a muffled exclamation by the camera operator.
Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where the group enters the weird elevator with the escher wallpapered walls when the shot looks from the back of the elevator you can see the shadow of the camera/light reflector on Mr. Salt.
Visible crew/equipment: When the elderly Elise returns from Richard's play and closes herself in her room at the Grand Hotel, the camera is briefly visible, reflected in the door glass as she enters the room. (00:04:00)
Visible crew/equipment: Just after Tarzan goes under the stone door, he finds the torches dropped by the bad guys. The flame from one of the torches is reflected in the camera lens, and was caught on tape. It looks like a single, unattached flame is hovering on the stone wall nearby. This is made even better when Tarzan picks up the torch and then drops it, the reflection follows his movements precisely.