Stupidity: Dr. Horniker (MD, PhD) advised Mr. And Mrs. Lisbon that Cecilia could use a kind of "outlet outside the codification of school" and should "interact with males her own age." The Lisbons did arrange a party for Cecilia, but the boys who were invited (or came) were somewhat older. Cecilia, at age 13, would be in Jr. High School. Tim and Parkie were 16-17. Chase looked a little younger than the other boys, but none of the boys were really "males her own age." Had the boys been 12-13 or even 14 and Cecilia's older sisters not present, Cecilia may have a better experience - and not jumped to her death during the party. (00:07:35)

Stupidity: When Sook-Hee walks into Hideko's bedroom before the two of them have sex, she slides the door open when going into the room and never closes it behind her. Once the two of them are in bed together and when they have sex, the door is left the way it is and never closed. Considering a sexual relationship between the two would have been completely forbidden, and, if they were caught, would likely ruin the plot to steal the inheritance money, it seems very foolish of them to ignore the open door, especially taking into account there are other people inside the mansion who could walk by at any moment. (00:41:30)
Stupidity: I seriously doubt that any Mexican Mafia cartel operating here in the U.S. would waste their time eliminating two simple patrol officers. There's nothing to gain by doing so, and it would bring a war between themselves and the police, which in return would bring hundreds of arrests of key members, drug busts, raids of their operations within Southern Cali, etc. They wouldn't risk their business taking millions of loss of revenue all to kill two patrol beat cops.

Stupidity: There is a scene about a null hypothesis proving Cassius is the killer. Nearly everything is wrong in this scene. Statistically, you never prove a null hypothesis true. (01:23:11 - 01:24:22)

Stupidity: Near the end, Sydney Wells and Paul Faulkner try to rescue a little 10-year-old girl who is trapped in the recreational vehicle. Sydney is banging on the door from the outside while the little girl is banging on the door from the inside. Paul then smashes out the door window, reaches inside and easily releases the door latch in one move. So, a 10-year-old girl was "trapped" because she couldn't simply open a door latch? Stupid.

Stupidity: The Chief Inspector wants the video cassette back because it shows him committing murder. Yet he spends the entire movie shooting and killing people in public trying to get Johnny and the cassette.

Stupidity: After Casi changed the tracker on the Navigator, he was sneaking between vehicles to get out of the tow pound. The Whale came and stood in front of the two vehicles Casi was between. Casi stood up and, instead of turning around and running away, rushed TOWARD The Whale in an attempt to get past him. The Whale, much bigger, threw Casi against a vehicle and then onto the garage floor. (01:03:34).

Stupidity: At the very beginning of the movie, law enforcement is depicted executing a no-knock warrant. They approach a house surreptitiously and use a ram to open the door with no warning. When they arrived at the scene, all the cars and trucks in the raid were using flashing lights and wailing sirens. So much for the element of surprise.

Stupidity: Despite being assaulted by an intruder that she managed to temporarily fend off, the female neighbor takes forever to say something when she calls the police, which is just enough time for the villain to regain his senses and attack her with a huge drill.

Stupidity: Paul Manfield (Arthur Pope) and his family have been hiding from and eluding the FBI for fifteen years, but Paul gets so intoxicated one night that he loudly sings "Pretty Woman" walking toward his house - where neighbors could hear - and yells that he is not Paul, he is Arthur Pope. (00:52:18)
Suggested correction: People do seriously stupid things when they are drunk, and Manfield/Pope is very, very drunk.

Stupidity: When Eitan and Ran escape the Egyptian troops, they take shelter in a creek and fire back at them. Ran is firing from his handgun, but the troops are at least a couple of hundred meters away, while a common handgun can only reach a range of about 30 meters. There is no way the handgun's bullets will even reach the chasing troops. (00:57:24)

Stupidity: Anyone with a job in the White House would have to be known to the Secret Service on a daily basis, so the two Secret Service agents that find Cory the janitor should have been aware of his identity without him having to state who he was and that he worked there.

Stupidity: Simi sets the wooden tepee structure on fire with Claudia next to it, and Claudia's clothes get engulfed in flames. Claudia continues to stand next to the fire, flailing her arms instead of following the commonly-known "learn not to burn" procedure that is taught to children: "Stop, drop, and roll" to extinguish the fire on one's clothes - and to stay away from fire. (01:31:00)

Stupidity: Johnny bleaches and cuts Ponyboy's hair and cuts and washes his own, thinking that would make them not fit the pictures of them. They look the same just with blonde hair and not greasy hair.
Suggested correction: I think you are right to a certain extent, but not necessarily when things are put in perspective. For example, they were "Greasers" and a certain image was attached to this status. Something like washing their hair would make them less noticeable among "Soc's" and other non-Greaser statuses. Anyone looking for them would not automatically assume they washed their hair or had the time to get hair cuts and bleaching while "on the lam." If an APB went out, it would contain their usual appearances.

Stupidity: The first time they see the bad guy in the Land Rover, Morgan has him in his sights but can't shoot, as he doesn't want to kill him. Clearly, the obvious thing to do is to shoot the car tires, but he doesn't and lets him drive off.
Suggested correction: Shooting out car tires is not an actual effective strategy to get a vehicle to stop. A 9mm bullet simply doesn't cause enough damage to a tire to get it to go flat immediately. It causes similar damage as running over a nail. It is a movie cliche, similar to using a gun to shoot out a lock or a rope, it just doesn't happen in real life.

Stupidity: Despite being wanted for murder, escaping jail, and having his face plastered on the front page of the newspaper, Morbius meets Martine in a public diner and doesn't even make an attempt to conceal his identity while they are seated. Even shaving off his beard and cutting his hair short would have gone a long way in making him more unrecognizable.