Stupidity: Dane is a brilliant man who has invested countless millions (hence his billion asking price) and much planning into the operation. Yet he only makes one copy of the disk? Suppose that disk had been lost or broken? His whole operation would have been a total waste.

Stupidity: The secret service officer near the elevator gets shot right in the middle of his head by the Penguin mascot, and she drags his dead body into the elevator. Suddenly he's able to moan and groan and she shoots him again. The guy was very shot in the head, as in graphically. How is he suddenly alive enough to moan?
Suggested correction: A bullet to the head is not guaranteed to kill someone. Movies and video games have taught us that being shot in the head is instant death, but that just isn't the case.
Pretty sure you wouldn't wake up in seconds after a bullet to the head.
Correct. You probably would just lay there stunned while moaning and groaning... exactly like the scene depicts.
He didn't "wake up", he moaned. Which is 100% possible and actually happens quite frequently.
Someone I know shot himself in the head. He was making sounds when found and "lived" for another three months, though there was no higher brain function anymore.