Deliberate mistake: As Christine approaches the Phantom in his lair (just after he has abducted her), we see that she is wearing very dark black eye-shadow. Back in the dressing room after coming off stage, as she talks to Raoul, we saw her face in close up and she was not wearing any eye-shadow at all, even though the Phantom leads her through the mirror just after she has managed to slip on a robe over her undergarments and she has not yet changed to go out to supper (Raoul says she is to be ready in 2 minutes). Her hair becomes 'bigger' and wilder, too. The change in her appearance is a reference to her descending (voluntarily, I might add - he didn't drag her through that mirror) into the Phantom's dark existence and to her sexual awakening. (00:28:45 - 00:37:10)

Deliberate mistake: During the Trojan attack on the Greeks at the beach, before Hector and "Achilles" have at it, there are two separate close-ups of Hector's sword slicing across a man's face, who promptly spins around and spews blood. This particular man is enjoyed twice in two takes of the same shot, just before and after Odysseus' close-ups. Then as if that's not enough, a few shots later this spewing man is actually seen a third time, but this time from another angle. (01:42:30)

Deliberate mistake: In the scene where Frank and Jazira are trying to escape from the evil sheik, as they ride towards the gate to leave the town, the gate is closed and bolted, locking them in. The bolt is located on the outside of the gate, facing the desert, instead of inside the gate to protect the town.

Deliberate mistake: It wasn't Mike Eruzione shouting his own name that finally convinced coach Brooks to stop making the players do sprints. It was Mark Johnson, who smashed his stick against the glass in a fit of rage.

Deliberate mistake: When Arthur follows Guinevere to the meeting with Merlin, her and the trees' shadows point at the viewer. Only Arthur has two shadows, one points to the left. The source of the moonlight is below the next ridge, and it's bright like a floodlight. Later, when Arthur is talking to Merlin, his face is always illuminated, even after a 180°-turn. (00:59:00)

Deliberate mistake: When Tom Hanks is picked up at the airport by a taxi, its license plate number is TX7943. Later when he is picked up at the Ramada Inn, he is picked up by a taxi with a different driver, different numbers on the top, but has the same license plate number.

Deliberate mistake: When Denzel Washington is in the bathroom, he discovers the camera monitoring him from the air vent, by seeing the light on the front of the camera. Any spy with common sense would not install a hidden camera with a light on it.

Deliberate mistake: Frankie's voice-over reading of the letter to his father does not match the text of the letter. He says, "Ricky Munroe told me. Trust him to put his big feet right in it. I've told him hundreds and hundreds of times." but the letter reads, "Ricky Munroe told me. Trust him to put his size threes right in it. He is rubbish at secrets. I've told him hundreds and hundreds of times." (00:21:15)

Deliberate mistake: When Alexander is giving his pre-battle speech at Gaugamela, some of the shots are 'flipped', which has the odd effect of suddenly making all of the phalanx pikemen left-handed.

Deliberate mistake: When Cady is breaking the 'plastic' crown into bits and throwing the pieces to people in the crowd, it's not possible to have that many pieces from that one crown. She must give out at least 7 or 8 big chunks, which just doesn't truly reflect the size of the crown.

Deliberate mistake: Slavo and Dragan are supposed to be Serbians but they speak Romanian.

Deliberate mistake: When the poolboy jumps into the pool and turns into Jesus to save Mary, the movement of his mouth does not match his lines.
Suggested correction: Mary is hallucinating, so reality isn't really a factor here.

Deliberate mistake: When Dwight Yoakum is being shot by Rita, and he is holding Lew, you can plainly see Lew has earplugs in to muffle the gunshot.

Deliberate mistake: The nose pieces on the face masks have been removed from all of the SCBAs used in the movie. The nose pieces are essential to keep the mask from fogging up, but were removed to allow the audience to see all of the actors' faces.

Deliberate mistake: Throughout the film, scenes of several Cole Porter productions are shown being performed. These scenes all contain a well-known musical number. Two scenes in particular (after the Alanis Morissette number and immediately after the "So in Love" duet) end with the lead singer/singers bowing to the audience and then waving the other cast members on stage to take a company bow. The problem is that neither of those numbers appear at the end of the shows being "performed." The "So in Love" duet, for example, most definitely appears in the musical "Kiss Me, Kate" well before the Act Two finale. I assume that these mistakes were filmed deliberately to emphasize the importance of the songs in question, but they are still errors.

Deliberate mistake: The scene where Topher Grace is jogging on his treadmill in his apartment is reversed. His wedding ring is on his right hand. In scenes before and after, his wedding ring was on his left hand.

Deliberate mistake: During the flight Hughes takes with Katherine Hepburn, they talk to each other in normal, conversational voices. A twin-piston-engined aircraft of that vintage (or any vintage for that matter) is LOUD. We should be able to hear roaring engines, and the two should have to shout at each other to be heard.

Deliberate mistake: When Napoleon asks the school secretary if he can borrow the phone, she pushes the phone toward him but in the shot of Napoleon you can see the phone never actually moved from before he asks to borrow it to the time he makes the call. This is only seen on the full-screen version of the film. The phone is not visible on the wide-screen version because the bottom portion of the image is cut. (00:07:00)

Deliberate mistake: The music in the 50s wasn't, by far, the Shakira pop and hiphop style that the people dance to in the movie.
Suggested correction: This is not a documentary. This is a movie based on the events that happened. Therefore since it's not a documentary, they can make any changes to events they want.
I had the chance of skating with Ken Morrow and he confirmed that Johnson was the one who stopped the sprints. Morrow said the Brooks knew if he had gotten to Johnson, he got to all the players.