Peter Pan: Don't you understand, Tink? You mean more to me than anything in this whole world.

Horace: I don't like it, Jasper. One more pinch, and they'll throw the keys away.
Jasper: Oh, come off it, Horace. We're getting plenty of bootle.
Horace: Yes, but I've been thinking.
Jasper: You've been thinking? Now look here, Horace! I warned you about thinking! I've got the nog for this job, so let's get on with it.

Nick Wilde: It's called a hustle, sweetheart.

Mad Hatter: What's the matter my dear, don't you care for tea?
Alice: Why, yes. I'm very fond of tea.
March Hare: If you don't care for tea, you could at least make polite conversation.

Big Mama: Oh boy, these old wings ain't what they used to be. Big Mama, you better lose a few pounds.

Hercules: Aren't you...a damsel in distress?
Meg: I'm a damsel. I'm in distress. I can handle this. Have a nice day.

Flora: Now Sword of Truth, fly swift and sure, that evil die and good endure.

Mowgli: Oh, Baloo, I wanna stay with you.
Baloo: Certainly, you do.
Bagheera: Oh? And just how do you think he will survive?
Baloo: "How do you think he will... " What do you mean how do you think he... He's with me, ain't he? And I'll learn him all I know.
Bagheera: Oh? That shouldn't take too long.

Miss Bianca: Come on, darling. Let's get a move out.

Pocahontas: It would've been better if we'd never met. None of this would have happened.
John Smith: Pocahontas, look at me. I would rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you.

Doc: Shh! Not so loud. You'll wake her up.
Grumpy: Ah, let her wake up! She don't belong here nohow.

TV Announcer: And because of a courageous little girl named Penny, the world's largest diamond, the Devil's Eye, is now at the Smithsonian Institute. But what's even more important, folks, this little orphan's dream has come true. Today, she's being adopted. And here she is with her new mother and father.