Trivia: Many of Frida's paintings are in the movie in an artistic way. The end up looking like real life in a doorway or a window. This is so that they look framed. One example is a painting of Frida sitting with her cut hair and scissors.

Trivia: At the Academy Awards, Cate Blanchett became the first Oscar winner to win her award for playing another Oscar winner.

Trivia: Because of their roles in the film, both Brad Pitt and David Thewlis were banned from entering China.

Trivia: In the scene where Lane is leaving for the rodeo and Kelly is trying to talk to Lane about wanting a place of their own close to her folks she kissing Lane goodbye and still talking.

Trivia: The Maguire Seven & The Guildford Four were shown in the film as being tried at the same time, when in fact they were tried separately.

Trivia: General Haig says the line "I'm in charge here." The real Alexander Haig said this in 1981 as Ronald Reagan's Secretary of State, after Reagan had been shot.

Trivia: The wrestling commentator is Jim Ross,he and Jerry Lawler are both commentators. They both appear in World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE).

Trivia: The NBC tour guide tells her tour group that her favorite NBC star is Rosemary Clooney, aunt of the movie's director, George Clooney.

Trivia: Mel Brooks was Executive Producer but was uncredited so people wouldn't think the movie was a comedy.

Trivia: In one scene Paul is listening to the radio and a broadcast of the debate about whether what was happening in Rwanda was considered genocide. During the conflict there was a news conference that was very similar to the one on the radio. One of the reasons that the US and UN would not label (or appear to label) the situation as genocide was that under legal obligations they would have had to act to prevent and punish the perpetrators if they said what was happening in Rwanda was genocide.

Trivia: There's a brief scene in which Marlene Dietrich congratulates Edith Piaf on her work with the French Resistance in WWII. Marlene later became Edith's bridesmaid at her first wedding.
Suggested correction: Marlene congratulates Piaf on her performance, saying her voice transported her back to Paris.

Trivia: In the diner when you see the real Erin Brockovich (the waitress), you can also see the real Ed Masry. He is sitting directly behind Julia Roberts and her baby. Another side note, look at the real Erin Brockovich's name-badge, it says Julia. (00:10:05)

Trivia: Viola Davis plays 50 Cent's grandmother in the movie, even though in real life she's only 10 years older than him.

Trivia: Director Oliver Stone can be seen briefly as a TV reporter.