Trivia: Sam Rockwell developed a twitch in his jaw muscle from mimicking George W. Bush's voice. He had to take magnesium in order to get the muscle to relax.

Trivia: Charles Laughton plays Edward Moulton-Barrett, the father of Elizabeth Barrett (Norma Shearer). In real life, Laughton was only three years older than Shearer.

Trivia: This was the first biographical film to win the Academy Award for Best Picture.

Trivia: Christopher Plummer earned an Academy Award nomination for his performance as J. Paul Getty. At the age of 88, Plummer is the oldest acting Oscar nominee.

Trivia: Although Edie McClurg plays Stephen Shellen's mother, she is only six years older than Shellen in real life.

Trivia: Although Adrian Brody was officially the star of "Hollywoodland," his character (private detective Louis Simo) was a completely fictional role in the movie. Virtually all of the other characters in the film are based on real people, but there never was a Louis Simo, and he's not based on any actual person (s). George Reeves' mother did hire an attorney and a detective agency in real life; however, "Hollywoodland" director Allen Coulter said that the character of Louis Simo wasn't even partially based on anyone in real life.

Trivia: Throughout the movie, Kurt Warner wore jersey #13, but he is also known as jersey #10 for the St. Louis Rams in the 1999 play-offs.

Trivia: Paul Jesson and Timothy Spall play father and son in this film. In real life, Jesson is only ten years older than Spall.

Trivia: When the screenwriter was pitching the film back in the 90's, reportedly at one meeting an executive suggested in all seriousness that Julia Roberts should play Harriet Tubman. When another person in the room mentioned that it wouldn't make any sense for the (very white) Roberts to play the role of Tubman, he responded "It was so long ago! Nobody would know the difference!"

Trivia: Michael Hordern plays Charlton Heston's father in the movie. In real-life, Hordern was only 12 years older than Heston.

Trivia: Maureen Stapleton won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role as Emma Goldman, even though she only has nine minutes of screen time.

Trivia: The film was to have run six hours with two intermissions, but it was cut down to four with one.

Trivia: Christian Bale was originally cast as George W. Bush, but left the production before filming started. Josh Brolin was cast at the last minute instead.

Trivia: The young nun in the hospital who informs Hoffa and Bobby that Flynn is dying is played by Jack Nicholson's daughter.

Trivia: Although Eileen Heckart plays Paul Newman's mother in the film, she was only six years older than Newman.

Trivia: Although they played mother and son in this film, Debbie Reynolds (born 1932) was only twelve years older than Michael Douglas (born 1944).

Trivia: Danielle Darrieux plays Richard Burton's mother in this film. Darrieux (born 1917) was only eight years older than Burton (born 1925).