Factual error: When the camera pans to the theatre right after the opening credits, the sign uses the British spelling of "theatre" instead of the American "theater."
Factual error: When the stork is flying to deliver Dumbo, the map shows the state of Kentucky above Alabama and Mississippi instead of Tennessee. (00:07:15)
Factual error: When Tom is singing "If You're Ever Down In Texas" to the cowgirl, Jerry winds the crank on the Victrola counter clockwise.
Factual error: When the Toad's foot breaks the pipe of liquid nitrogen, it should have frozen the water immediately, but it takes a lot more time to allow the wave to get closer.
Factual error: When the Level 2 Sentry gun begins firing, you can see Shotgun shells falling out of it instead of the usual ammo casings. (00:00:40)
Factual error: At the end of the movie, Lady has four puppies, three Spaniels, like her, and one mixed breed, like Tramp. Realistically, they would all be mixed breed with characteristics from both parents.
Factual error: The first shot of the calendar shows two days numbered as 20 and March ending on the 24th. In the following shot it's fixed.
Factual error: When the gang follows Ben Ravencrift home, they cross over a long bridge supposed to signify Brooklyn, but is in fact, The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.
Factual error: The plot revolves on finding a matching organ compatible with Nora. Practically the only issue presented about it is the blood type compatibility, so let's go by that logic. In a misconception happening in so many works of fiction, the fact that she is an AB - is listed as a terrible problem because of how rare it is. It is indeed the rarest blood type in most parts of the world, but it's also the universal receiver and compatible with every other group.
Factual error: Sailing ships in harbor always have their sails furled and stowed, not set. All the ships in the city's harbor have their sails set. Would never happen.
Factual error: It's a superhero movie, but the human Catwoman escapes Batman by jumping off the building, onto a train moving at full speed, in a fall that is shown taking at least 10 floors (first shot, she is still upside down) + another 10 (when she flips so she can land on her feet). Over twenty floors of casual, unassisted freefall jump feel a little over the top already, and again, it's on the top of a moving train, that alone should be impossible to happen the way it does here, not affected by the lateral speed of the train at all. (00:10:40)
Factual error: When the Peanuts gang got to Victoria station, Travel Center is spelled the American way. Since it's England it should be "centre" (00:24:55)
Factual error: Remy sniffs the messed-up soup and almost throws up. Rats can't retch.
Factual error: All Arabic texts in the film suffer from wrong directional rendering. Arabic is a right-to-left language. Its letters have different joined and disjoined forms. The film, however, has rendered Arabic texts from left to right in disjoined letters. These texts aren't semantically wrong, though. For example, deciphering the Arabic message at 0:40:45 point gives "أليس "التنين فنان؟ Translation: "Isn't the Dragon an artist?" The film has even adopted a good font for them.