Factual error: The Times Square Jumbotron has a ticker-tape message beneath it. Some of the letters have sections missing, presumably to represent broken bulbs. If this is the case, the missing parts would not scroll with the message, as it's only the constant switching on and off of the bulbs that gives the impression of movement.

Factual error: Whenever the group get their passports, they seem to get it on the actual day they apply for it - much much faster than normal.

Factual error: In the scene where Spirit's mother is giving birth to Spirit, after she has him it shows Spirit as a newborn, with teeth. Newborn horses don't have a full set of teeth. (00:04:23)

Factual error: After Tigress tells the backstory of Tai Lung the scene transitions from her being a cub to an adult. Young Tigress' stripes don't match the pattern of Adult Tigress. Tiger stripes don't change with age.

Factual error: The word 'magician' is spelled 'magicinan' on the cart when Nicholas bends down to collect the spiders web. (00:50:30)

Factual error: After trying to get his balloon back, Carl Jr. falls and breaks his arm. The ambulance that picks him up has a modern-day electronic siren, when in the 30's it would be a mechanical siren and would be much smaller.

Factual error: In the credits, there is a paper revealing that Mater was knighted on Tuesday, July 15th, 2011. However, July 15th, 2011 was on a Friday, not a Tuesday.

Factual error: During the morning training session, Shang shot an arrow to the top of the pole so his soldiers can get it, but the arrow is stuck in a horizontal position. A difficult position to achieve, for someone shooting an arrow from below. Even if the arrow hit the pole at such a point in its arc, its kinetic energy would be at its weakest, preventing it from boring into the pole.

Factual error: In the first story, Father's Day, it is dark at 7:00. In the middle of June, the sun stays up until at least 8. Or even 9 up north.

Factual error: The copper pot Jiminy looks into shows his reflection at a larger size. It should be reflected at a smaller size though.

Factual error: When Team America (minus Gary) go and fight the Koreans in their planes, there is a shot where rain is dripping down the front of the cockpit. If they were flying, the water should be streaming backwards off the plane because of the wind, not dribbling down.

Factual error: When Toothless zooms in and catches Astrid while she's falling, he was moving so fast that he would have pulled her leg out of the socket when he grabbed it, if not totally ripping it off. (01:19:55)

Factual error: The famous battle between Stegosaurus and Tyrannosaurus Rex (which is incorrectly depicted as having three claws) never took place: Stegosaurus was extinct before Tyrannosaurus evolved. (Stegosaurus lived in the Jurassic, Tyrannosaurus in the Cretaceous.)

Factual error: In the credits, Josh Peck is said to voice Rudy. He actually voiced Eddie.

Factual error: This mistake happens in the scene where Nigel and the babies are trapped in the bathysphere underwater, and Nigel is on the radio, chatting with Marianne. Nigel reports: "Well, one little girl is rather pouty, and someone needs a diaper change." However, it has been pointed out in episodes of 'The Wild Thornberries' that Nigel is from England. Even though Rugrats Go Wild was produced in the United States, Nigel should've used the word 'nappy' instead of 'diaper'. (01:08:35)

Factual error: General Fury incorrectly uses the DEFCON System. When all of S.H.I.E.L.D's secrets are revealed to the Chitauris, Fury moves to DEFCON 4, which is peacetime with increased intelligence and security. When the threat increases and Chitauri ships are approaching, Fury moves to DEFCON 5, which indicates peacetime. In the DEFCON system, lower numbers indicate higher threats.

Factual error: In the beginning when the animals are waking up from hibernation, it shows Ozzie and Heather running out of the log, which shows they hibernated, but opossums don't hibernate.

Factual error: At the beginning, after the blue virus-monster appears, some telephone wires wrap around a scientist's arm. There aren't that many wires in in a normal telephone, nor are they that thick.

Factual error: In the India scene where Ryu eventually fights some terrorists, Ryu suddenly has a white bag. Where did the bag come from? He didn't have before in the movie, and after this scene it goes missing as well. You can't say he left it at home either because Ryu doesn't have a home to go to.

Factual error: After Captain Dubois escapes from jail, she looks up missing lion on a computer and finds a news page with Alex on saying "FAMOUS CENTRAL PARK ZOO LION MISSING" and hits the Print Screen button on the computer and the news page prints. However, pushing the Print Screen button wouldn't print a document. It would just take a copy of the screen. No matter how much you push the Print Screen button, the page wouldn't print off. (00:40:20)