Best action movie easter eggs of all time

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Eight Legged Freaks picture

Easter egg: To find out interesting facts about spiders on the DVD, do this. Wait on a menu for a bit, until the spiders stop moving, then move the cursor up and onto the spider and press select. This will bring up facts about the spider.


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Troy picture

Easter egg: On the second disc, when the menu first appears, hit right on your DVD remote to highlight one of the wooden planks on the Trojan horse, and hit Enter. There is a clip the CG department made of some animatic 'bloopers' during the movie.

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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen picture

Easter egg: In the two disc set, Disc 2 (Special Features), at the main menu select The Human Factor. Once you are in that part go down to Domestic Destruction, push the right button on the remote and a little icon of the Decepticons will appear. It shows a blooper during one of the big scenes.

Chris Skoglund

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly picture

Easter egg: On the special edition DVD there are 3 easter eggs. Both are on the extras disk (as opposed to the film disk). (1)On the first page of extras, highlight the first (top) extra. Press left and a noose will appear, press enter on it. (2) Again highlight the first extra but this time press right and another noose will appear. Press enter to access another secret. (3) On the second page of extras highlight the top extra and press left OR right. Both will lead you to a noose (same secret on both sides). Press enter to access.

More The Good, the Bad and the Ugly easter eggs
Spider-Man 2 picture

Easter egg: Go to the commentary menu on Disc 1, highlight Off for the second commentary, and hit right, then up. A yellow spider should appear. Hit enter to see a funny introduction with the director.


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A History of Violence picture

Easter egg: There are 3 Easter Eggs on this DVD. 1 - go to Special Features, highlight Scene 44, then click the Right arrow key where a blood splat will appear. When you click on it, a short, funny interview with Ed Harris will play where he tells of all the groups that will enjoy watching this film. 2 - go to Special Features, click on Acts of Violence, then highlight Act 1 - Random. Then click the right arrow key where a birthday candle will appear. If you click on it, a short video will play where the cast wishes Viggo Mortensen a Happy Birthday. 3 - go to Special Features, click on Acts of Violence, then highlight Act 1 - Random. Then click the left arrow key where a fish will be highlighted. If you click on it, a short video will play of Viggo Mortensen joking around with a plastic fish (related to an inside joke on the set called Fish Friday).

Andrew Quattropani

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The Abyss picture

Easter egg: In the Special Edition DVD (with the white slipcover), in the Imaging Station, if you go to the top of the stack of the videotapes and hit the right arrow button, the TV screen changes to say, "They mostly come at night. Mostly." Hit "enter" to see a trailer for "Aliens," a movie James Cameron directed.

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Battlefield Earth picture

Easter egg: Go to the second page of the "special features" menu. Once there, highlight any one of the special features and press right to make a symbol appear on the pyramid. There will be about a ten second clip of behind the scenes footage.

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Die Hard: With a Vengeance picture

Easter egg: Go to the Interview and Profile section of Die Hard 3 Ultimate Edition disc 2. Press left to highlight an exit sign, and press enter to see a hidden blooper reel.

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Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle picture

Easter egg: On the Full Throttle DVD, there are six Easter eggs that I have managed to find so far, but I think there is one more. The Easter eggs refer to the normal widescreen DVD. 1. Go to the commentaries screen (Linked from the Special Features Page) and highlight Special Features at the bottom. Press right, right, down, down and Drew Barrymore hat should be highlighted with a white line. If you press action (X on PS2 controller) you should see a short film of McG and two stunt doubles, plus some behind the scenes footage of Madison and Cameron's entrance into the LA Theatre. 2. On page 1 of special features, select the Angel Vision Trivia Track option. When you get to the screen giving you the option of turning trivia track on and off, highlight special features and press down, left, left. Cameron Diaz's earring should be highlighted with a pink or white line. Pressing Action should reveal a short film of McG and Christine Birch discussing the game plan for the publicity of the film. 3. On page 1 of the Featurettes (Linked from the Special Features page), highlight Special Features at the bottom. Press left, left, down, down and Bosley's bow tie should be highlighted with a pink line. Pressing action should play a clip of McG and Aldolfo Martinez-Perez showing the storyboards and comparisons for Natalie's cowbirth scene in the "Three very different women" part of the introduction to the girls at the beginning of the movie. 4. Go to screen 2 of Featurettes (Linked from the Special Features page) and highlight Special Features. Pressing right, right, down should highlight the champagne bottle with a pink line. Pressing action will show a short film of McG and Tricia Ronten talking about the script supervision for the film. 5. On page 2 of Special Features, highlight Main Menu at the bottom. Press down, down, up, right, right will cause pink halos to appear over the girls' heads. Pressing action will show a shortish film of McG and Matt Sweeny looking at a hydraulic rotator for Madison Lee's cobra (The stunt one of course). It contains some behind the scene footage of the making of the fight in the car between Cameron and Demi, and also some that was in the Full Throttle featurette. 6.Again go to screen 2 of Special Features and again highlight Main Menu. Press up, up, down, down, left should make Cameron Diaz's missing right earring be highlighted with a pink line. Pressing action should trigger a short clip of McG asking Mark Cotane how he got into the biz.

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Sahara picture

Easter egg: Highlight "Extras" and press Up. This will highlight Steven Zahn's head. Press enter to watch a clip with Zahn inside his trailer.


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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl picture

Easter egg: On Disk 3, "The Lost Disk," select "More Fly on the Set." Go up twice. You will hear the original radio advertisement of the Pirates of the Caribbean - the ride.

More Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl easter eggs
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines picture

Easter egg: On disc 2, go to the Skynet Database (answer to the question is "Brewster") and select the first Information Stream "Human Archive Intelligence". You'll then have a list of profiles to access showing. To find the Easter egg you must go on John Connor's profile or Kate Brewster's profile. After opening the profile, characteristics of the character will start. Just as this happens, push the right button followed by the up button. A red square will be circled around the clip on the top right hand side of the screen. As this is happening, push play and you will see a behind the scenes clip of the actor or actress' time on set (depending which profile you access). If you access John Connor's profile you will see a clip of Nick Stahl's time on set as John Connor. If you access Kate Brewster's profile you will see a clip of Claire Danes' time on set as Kate Brewster.

Casual Person

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Inspector Gadget 2 picture

Easter egg: On the Inspector Gadget 2 DVD, there is an optional main menu hidden. It is the IG2 logo at the top of the screen. If you press the up button while the words Scene Selection are highlighted the logo of IG2 will highlight. Then press Enter.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers picture

Easter egg: Easter Egg on the Special Extended DVD: Put in the first movie DVD (The Two Towers Part 1), go to Select a Scene. Scroll all the way down past the last scene ("Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit") and there should be a ring cursor beside "New Scene" and then click on it. It's Gollum's acceptance speech from the MTV Movie Awards. Because of the content, it is not appropriate for children. Please note that this easter egg is not found in the U.K. version.

More The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers easter eggs
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian picture

Easter egg: This Easter Egg is on the second page on the Extras DVD. Just click on the lion's head on the top of the page, and it brings up the Easter Egg. It's called Sibling Rivalry (Peter and Susan discuss who saved Trumpkin).

More The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian easter eggs
Die Hard picture

Easter egg: On Die Hard Ultimate Edition disc 2(special features) the menu is themed around the Nakatomi building roof, and the highlighted option has roof lights lit up. Press up to highlight secret lights, and press enter to see an explosion.

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Charlie's Angels picture

Easter egg: From the disc's main menu, go to the 'Special Features' section. On each of the three Special Features menus that are in this section a hidden feature can be found. On the first page, highlight 'G'ed up' and then press the 'Right' arrow to highlight Cameron Diaz's mid section. Press 'Enter' now and you will see a 20 second montage clip of the girls. On the second page of the 'Special Features,' highlight 'Wired Angels' and then press the 'Left' arrow key on your remote control. This will highlight a box on Bosley's chest and pressing 'Enter' now will give you some behind-the-scenes footage featuring Drew Barrymore as she's having a plaster cast made of her face. The third Easter Egg can be found on the third 'Special Features' page. Highlight the arrow pointing left on the menu screen and then press the 'Right' arrow key on your remote control. This will highlight another box, which will give you access to short behind-the-scenes sequence, including a more than passable impression of Christopher Walken by Sam Rockwell.

Maria Santos

More Charlie's Angels easter eggs
Blade II picture

Easter egg: On the New Line Platinum Edition, go to Production Workshop then select Visual effects. In the submenu HIGHLIGHT Progress Report then press the right arrow key followed by the up arrow key to highlight a glyph. Select this to see a disturbing message from Guillermo Del Toro to the crew at Tippett Studios.

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Star Trek: First Contact picture

Easter egg: On the second disk go to "The Borg Collective" and highlight Main Menu and press the left button on your remote to change the white and green button to red. You will be taken to a feature of the concept artwork of the destruction of the Borg Queen.

Dee Dressler

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