Easter egg: Under Join the Brotherhood (Magneto's side) Go to Features. Then Deleted Scenes. Press "More" until you find the scene called "Henry Warns About Magneto". Highlight it, then press the left arrow to highlight an "X". Press enter and you will get to watch a short 2005 promo for the movie. Under Take a Stand (X-men side), this feature requires you to highlight "X-men land the chopter" then press the left arrow to highlight a "Magneto Symbol".

Easter egg: On the DVD, go to the Special Features menu. Press up twice on your remote. The special features heading should light up with red blood. Press enter and see a brief documentary about the movie and the graphic novel.

Easter egg: Easter Egg on the 2-disc Special Edition Region 1 DVD: Go to Special Features, then Deleted Scenes. Place the cursor on "Features" at the bottom and then press Down once. A red Superman logo will appear below "Features" and "Menu." Now select the red logo and press Enter and you will see some funny outtakes of Kevin Spacey doing his "Wrong." scene.

Easter egg: On disc 2 of the 2-disc special edition, enter Mastering The Blade. Highlight Return To Bonus. Press left and down. This should highlight the keyhole. Press OK to see a short clip of the dog and its trainer.