Easter egg: HIDDEN BONUS MATERIAL on the Special Extended DVD Version: There are two secrets on the discs containing the film, one on each disc. Instructions for both: go to the Scene Index on either disc, then scroll down to the LAST scene (either "The Council of Elrond" on Disc 1 or "Official Fan Club Credits" on Disc 2), then scroll down one more time. On the first DVD, a little ring will appear next to the line "new scene." Click Enter. This leads to an introduction by Peter Jackson and the MTV Movie Awards parody on the Council of Elrond (starring Jack Black and Sarah Michelle Gellar), which isn't suitable for children (and does not appear in the UK version because of the BBFC). On the second DVD, scene 48, click on the number 48 - on the right side of the screen - and the silhouettes of Barad Dur and Orthanc appear just underneath, click it. You'll see another introduction by Peter Jackson, and the Two Towers cinematic preview trailer: the one played in theatres after the Fellowship of the Ring, towards the end of its running period.
Easter egg: Region 2, disc 2 of The Mummy Returns there is a 'mummification featurette'. To get to it you must highlight and enter Egyptology 201, then enter 'In depth Look at Mummification' section and press right twice to highlight a scorpion. Press enter to see the featurette.