Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: If it really is so important for Scott to find a wife, then why didn't Curtis and Bernard tell him about it earlier? Why put that pressure on him, when they could've just told him after his first year or two? They seriously waited that long just to tell him "you need to get married"?

Answer: There could be any number of possible reasons that could be speculated on. However, the most likely answer is that after the first movie became a big hit and sequel was to be made, this was the plot line that was developed "after the fact."


He says in the movie that it was his "first mistake in 900 years" meaning he didn't realise about Mrs. Claus.

Question: What is the situation with Mary Jane's mother? In the previous movie, Mary Jane's father refers to her as "trash", and in this movie, Mary Jane mentions that she is ill.

Answer: She is a victim of domestic abuse - saying that she is ill is probably covering up for her so she does not have to show her bruises.

Answer: Mr. Burns, being over 100 years old, holds very old fashioned views. One such view is that business is a man's world. So, he's basically saying that, despite the fact she is a woman (wears a skirt), Lindsey Naegle is still capable of rebuilding the church.

Michael Albert

Answer: No; it was left strictly to the imagination of the audience.


Question: If the lightsaber that Rey touches was Luke's and his father's before him, how did it get there? Luke's saber, given to him by Obi Wan, was lost in the fight between Luke and Vader on Cloud City when Vader cut Luke's sword hand off. It fell down with Luke's hand into the disposal tube, then out and down to Bespin's swampy surface.

Movie Nut

Chosen answer: When she is asked about the light saber being in her possession, Maz Kanata explains that it is a question to be answered at another time. Presumably this will be explained in a future episode.


Question: Why did Teddy growl in the helicopter when the trio arrived at Manhattan?


Chosen answer: It was dangerous for Mecha to go there; he was afraid for David's safety.

David R Turner

Question: With all of the Federation's extraordinarily advanced knowledge, science, medicine and technology, why is it that they can't seem to repair Captain Pike's physical injuries? In the original series, Pike was crippled and hideously disfigured by Delta Rays; but the best they could offer him was a motorized wheelchair with a couple of "yes" or "no" flashing communication lights. In the rebooted franchise, Pike suffered much less severe injuries; yet, once more, all they could offer him was a simple wheelchair in the first movie, and then a walking cane in the second. In Star Trek canon, we know that they have performed brain and spinal transplants, regenerated damaged organs, healed mortal wounds (in a matter of seconds), cured horrible diseases with a single hypo-injection, and even resuscitated the dead on more than one occasion. In Star Trek novels, there is mentioned even the possibility of cycling an injured individual through a previously-stored Transporter Pattern and completely removing injuries altogether. Yet the best they ever did for Captain Christopher Pike onscreen was a wheelchair and a cane?

Charles Austin Miller

Chosen answer: Captain Pike was tortured by Nero, a Romulan from the future. Surely when it comes to torture they know how they can inflict the maximum amount of pain, and also permanently injure someone. Or else nobody would be worried about being tortured. Nero also used future technology to do this, using methods nobody could cure at that time.


Question: Why does Kylo Ren keep hitting the spot where Chewie shot him? Does he want it to hurt more or was it just so we could see the blood?

Answer: It's like when you rub your elbow vigorously after you bump it on something. He's hitting the wound to create physical stimulation other than the pain of having been shot, as a distraction from the pain.


Answer: Pain and anger fuels the Dark Side. The more pain he's in, the angrier he becomes, the more powerful he becomes. This is also why when Darth Vader was wounded on Mustafar; Sidious had him operated on awake; without anesthetics.

Danny Duignan

Question: What type of dress is the red dress Sophie wears when Alex makes her talk to Sloan?

Luka Keats

Question: It seems whenever this movie is played on TV, the start of the scene where Sharon is yelling at Derek in the house edits out the part at the start where Sharon yells "What? WHAT!?" and throws and breaks a dish. Why is this edited out? It always starts at the line she says right after that.

Answer: There is no set format for a feature-length film's running time in theaters (some bodies state a minimum of 40 minutes, some 80). They are edited to fit TV scheduling. Scenes are often cut short or deleted entirely to eliminate objectionable content, but also so the film can begin and end on the hour or half hour (i.e. It starts precisely at 8:00 p.m. And ends at 10:00 pm) so that the next program can run. It also has to allow time for commercials and station breaks during the airing. This often leaves the original movie rather chopped-up. That is probably what happened with this particular film.


Question: How could Daniel get jail time over this whole "Doubtfire" act? He told his kids if their mom found out he could only see them through plate glass (jail/prison). Is it really a crime to do what he did? (although it is creepy and awkward to do) He didn't physically harm anyone and didn't impersonate a real person. So why would he assume this?

Answer: To start, it's seems likely that they did mean to just show Daniel exaggerating. However, Daniel was assigned a case worker who checked up on him and made sure he had a job. This is not a common thing done in divorce/custody cases unless there's a perceived notion that Daniel is mentally unstable or unfit (the quitting of his job, the lavish birthday party), in which case Daniel may feel they'll commit him to a mental institution, rather than prison (where he thinks he'll have to see his kids while behind glass.) That being said, he did commit crimes that he could have been arrested for. Fraud being the major one, ranging from lying to his case worker to possible tax fraud; and his various actions against Stewart (vandalism and battery). However nothing in the film indicated he violated a restraining order or a supervised visitation order by being there, so he couldn't have been arrested for being there.


Question: Joe finds Samantha Bevins killed on a bed in a hotel. He then sees a man who killed her. Going out of the hotel he puts a small knife to his operating license attached to the left side of his chest. He seems to try to break it off. Why?


Chosen answer: His license is a tracking device. By removing it, he's preventing the authorities from easily tracking him.

Question: When Kylo Ren tries to use the Force on Rey, he mentions that they need the last piece of the map, and that they have the rest. However, when R2-D2 wakes up, we find out that he had the map the entire time. Was Kylo bluffing or did he know where the rest of it was? Was there a copy or did I miss something?

Answer: The First Order already has the piece that R2-D2 was carrying as well. That is the first piece, the large piece of the map missing a small section. The second piece is carried by BB-8 and only by BB-8, the missing piece in the map. All the first order needs is that second piece, and so does the Resistance. However the Resistance needs R2-D2 to activate again so he can show them the first piece, so they can put the second piece in it.


Answer: The piece of the map that R2 had was also recovered from the archives of the Empire.

Question: When Cruella reverts back to her former personality why is everything spotty?

Luka Keats

Chosen answer: This is due to her obsession of wanting a spotted dalmatian puppy coat.

Question: Who is the actor playing the very tall cooler guard? Has he appeared in any other films?

Answer: His name is Trevor Wood, apparently rather than acting again, he went on to become a solicitor and partner in several London law firms.


Chosen answer: It was to cause a diversion so Bond could transfer the money back onto the Wavecrest while everyone else was running about sorting out the mess from the crash.

Chosen answer: They had a lot more to worry about than his makeup.


Question: Barry returns to his fixed timeline, meets Batman and gave him the letter Thomas Wayne's Batman wrote. Then, the post credit scene shows the portals appears that will lead to Darkseid's invasion. The question is in the following Justice League War movie, the heroes seems like they never know each other. Did Barry return before the Justice League ever assembled? If so, why does Barry in the Justice League War movie seem to be so amused when he knows Batman is real? He even greeted Batman for the first time and addressed him as "Sir Batman." I cannot find any good articles on net to explain this contradiction.

Kirishima Homura

Chosen answer: Despite the ending in Flashpoint to indicate a Darkseid invasion, War is not a sequel. It's a reboot. While both films were part of the DC Universe Animated Original Movies series, War is the first movie of the series that is now part of the DC Animated Movie Universe. This is also why the voice actors are different.


Na Triobloidi - S2-E13

Question: One thing I haven't ever been able to figure out is this: how does SAMCRO know exactly where Cameron is headed after he kidnapped Abel? They had no direct clues, and even after watching the series a second time, it still doesn't quite make sense to me.


Chosen answer: They knew he owned the boat at the docks as that was how he brought the guns into the country. They assumed he would head there when he was needing to flee with Abel.


Answer: They didn't know he was headed to Belfast until Maureen Ashby calls Gemma and tells her that Abel is in Belfast. Cameron is her cousin and he even brings Abel to her apartment.

Question: When everyone exited the tour cars, they went downhill to see the Triceratops, but how could they get inside the paddock? Is there no fence surrounding the animals? And is the Trike we see the only Trike in JP? My main question is: Why is the Trike free to roam everywhere it wants, I mean they didn't have to get through a fence to get there because we see the tour cars behind them, and they are not behind a fence.

Answer: A Triceratops is a herbivore. Therefor, it doesn't have the same fences as the T-Rex has and is probably separated by a moat or gap. The largest part of the park is probably like this and access for personnel to the herbivores is probably easy, it's with the carnivores they took extra measures. There are probably other triceratops but this one was sick and was probably separated from the group in case it is contagious.


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