Spider-Man mistake picture

The Wedding - S5-E1

Other mistake: When J. Jonah Jameson is on the phone with Wilson Fisk, one shot shows that the area of Jameson's desk between the receiver and the cord is colored the same gray color as the cord, instead of the golden-brown color the rest of the desk is.


Six Forgotten Warriors Chapter 2: Unclaimed Legacy - S5-E3

Other mistake: When Silver Sable infiltrates Kingpin's Russian lair with sleeping gas, before falling unconscious, Kingpin correctly deduces that he has been betrayed. In the next scene, Kingpin asks Silver Sable how she was able to infiltrate his lair, and she tells him one of his men is a traitor, which elicits an incredulous reaction from Kingpin, completely contradicting the previous scene where Kingpin already surmised there was a traitor.


Six Forgotten Warriors Chapter 5: The Price of Heroism - S5-E6

Other mistake: Two scenes in this episode are shown out of order. First we see Captain America and Spider-Man lying on the ground near the dimensional vortex at the mercy of Chameleon and the Red Skull, with Cap flicking a rock across the room to distract Chameleon so that he and Spider-Man can re-engage them in battle. Shortly after, we see Spidey and Cap arriving at the dimensional vortex to configure it to defeat Electro, with Chameleon and Red Skull attacking them once Spidey has finished with the vortex, revealing they had been lying in wait knowing full well someone would figure out that the vortex was the key to stopping Electro.


The Return of Hydro-Man: Part 1 - S5-E7

Other mistake: When Spider-Man catches up to Mary Jane and Hydro-Man at the foundry, he webs up Hydro-Man's left wrist. When the shot changes to Spider-Man landing, he is not holding onto the web-line. When the shot changes back to Hydro-Man, his arm his pulled with the web-line remaining taut, even though Spider-Man is not holding the web. If Hydro-Man was moving his arm on his own, then the web-line would be slack.


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Suggested correction: It was a part of the character's redesign. The writer of Spider-Man, John Semper Jr, disliked the Fantastic Four cartoon to the point that he not only changed characters' designs but their voice actors as well.

Redesigning the character is not a valid correction, because it still creates a contradiction within the shared universe. Even under the pretense of redesigning the character due to not liking the previously established version, it would still be a deliberate mistake.


Sins of the Fathers Chapter 6: Framed - S3-E6

Plot hole: After Peter Parker is framed and arrested for selling government secrets to foreign organizations, he escapes police custody and goes home to retrieve his Spider-Man costume that was simply hanging in his dark room. If he was arrested for selling government secrets then surely the police would have searched his home and found his costume (as well as equipment) in the process. Since the police car was visible in front of his house, it seems very strange that police didn't search his home.


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Wolverine: Hey, can't even spell the word.

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Answer: In the comics, Hobgoblin's true identity was kept a mystery for a long time intentionally and while many fans deduced it was Kingsley, and creator Roger Stern was leaning that way, Stern left the series in 1984. In 1987 Hobgoblin's identity was revealed to be Ned Leeds and then Macendale became Hobgoblin. It wasn't until 1997 that Sterns wrote the mini-series "Hobgoblin Lives" and retconned Kingsley as the original Hobgoblin.


Answer: I could be wrong, but I believe the Hobgoblin in Marvel Comics around the same time this show was airing was also Jason Macendale. I have a Hobgoblin trading card from around 1992 or 1993, and it identifies him as Jason Phillips Macendale when listing his real name.


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