Plot hole: Hogan has his men play romantic music over the radio. Earlier they were afraid of the radio in the observation post being detected. Elsewhere in the series, they try to avoid sending too long to avoid being homed in on - which is correct. Now, if they were to play a whole record at once, wouldn't the homing devices pick up on the transmitter at the camp?
Plot hole: Five minutes into the show, Klink and Hogan are in Klink's office when a gestapo major comes in. When Hogan leaves, Klink mentions Hogan's name and the major realises with surprise that that is Hogan and then says he knows all about Hogan and his description. That alone should have led the major to know that this was Hogan. Hogan also has his name on a tag on his jacket.
Suggested correction: It is shown several times in the series that the detectors are brought out at specific times / events. With how much control they have over the camp they would know when those times were / more than likely be able to tamper with them. The other times they were worried were simply because either A. They were close to the scanning times or B. New ones got shipped in that they didn't have time to tamper with yet.
In the whole series, they never once are shown tampering with the detection equipment or obtaining any "scanning schedules" or anything. Seriously, did I sleep through all of that selectively or are you pulling this stuff out of thin air?
Doc ★