Hogan's Heroes

Hogan's Heroes (1965)

3 quotes from season 5

(23 votes)

Movie Quote Quiz

Get Fit or Go Fight - S5-E16

Hogan: [To Schultz about the Medical officer] Schultz, I want you to stall him for three minutes, then the Kommandant can see him.
Schultz: But why?
Hogan: We're trying to save Klink from the Russian Front. And if we save him...
Schultz: He will save me!
Hogan: Right. Now get going, raus, raus!
Schultz: Ja Wohl, herr Kommandant! I mean, Colonel! Oh, I don't know what this war would be without him.

Movie Nut

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Trivia: A sinister aspect of an otherwise lightheated comedy, but the fact is that Hogan and his men are war criminals. They engage in combat activities behind enemy lines when not in uniform, and worse, while wearing enemy uniforms. The Germans tried that during the Battle of the Bulge and those arrested were shot.

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Answer: It's a solitary cell. Steve McQueen, star of 'The Great Escape' is known as the 'Cooler King'.

Answer: It's a slang term for an isolated jail cell. In wartime, POWs who attempted to escape or otherwise thwart their captors might be punished with solitary confinement, often in a cramped, poorly ventilated, windowless space.


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