Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Gungan Attack - S4-E2

Audio problem: In the Swedish release, the language suddenly switches to Danish, then back to Swedish again. This is according to the DVD copy I have of Season 4 Volume 1. (00:08:41)


Downfall of a Droid - S1-E6

Continuity mistake: Rex's kama (the black kilt-like thing he wears) is missing twice: first when he, Anakin and Ahsoka are looking at a hologram of an AT-TE on the Resolute's bridge, and second when Anakin's trap for Grievous is revealed, and Rex orders the AT-TEs on the asteroids to fire. (00:01:12 - 00:04:10)

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Mystery of a Thousand Moons - S1-E18

Obi-Wan: Very impressive. You just destroyed seventeen defenseless battle droids without suffering a scratch.
[Another battle droid falls apart.]
Anakin: Eighteen, actually.

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Suggested correction: I know there was talk about whether this is a legitimate mistake or a trivia entry. The episodes were simply aired out of order. "A War on Two Fronts" was supposed to be the season premiere, but they ended up airing "Revival" instead. On the DVD, the episodes are ordered chronologically, and "Revival" is placed later between what's regarded on IMDb as episode 13 and 14.


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Answer: I would say his death in Phantom Menace was more of a controversy. He was a fan favorite character from the movie, and his fight scene largely regarded as the best part of the movie. It was more he was brought back to please the Star Wars fans and few, if any, had problems with it.

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