American Dad

American Dad (2005)

0 mistakes in Season 4 generally

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A Jones for a Smith - S5-E11

Officer Figpucker: I'm afraid that was an illegal U-turn, ma'am.
Francine: Oh, come on. I live right there. Can't you just give me a break, pigfucker?
Officer Figpucker: [Points to badge] That is not my name, ma'am.
Francine: [Looking at badge] Oh! Forgive me, Officer Figpucker. I'm just drunk is all.

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Weiner of Our Discontent - S4-E18

Trivia: Roger has various weird objects stored up in the attic some used as furniture for his own means. One which contains the address to Roger's spaceship, which is hidden away in storage as shown in this episode.


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Chosen answer: The Beat.


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