Other mistake: When Roy's talking to Dixie while John's waiting out in the squad, a call comes over the HT that Roy's holding, and Squad 51 is asked to respond to a 'possible heart case'. Roy pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket, and as we hear the dispatcher giving the address, we can see Keven Tighe softly mouthing the address at the same time that it's being given for the first time.
Other mistake: When the boy is brought to the ER by his babysitter, they hook him up to the ventilator and we see the bag dramatically showing inflation and deflation in the closeup, but in the wide shots the bag is deflated and doesn't move.
Other mistake: After Station 51 responds to the 'man caught in an air conditioning duct', when they get on the elevator its metal sliding doors and metal jamb on the lower lobby have scratches and dents on the exterior, and the same scratches and dents are on the doors and jamb, when they reach the upper level.
Other mistake: When 51's guys are watching an Adam-12 episode on TV (in Emergency!'s pilot, Reed and Malloy are real), on that show just after Reed is knocked out, the hitman says "Nate would've blown his stack if I'd let you go," (refers to hitman's partner, Nate), but Emergency!'s DVD subtitles read, "Pete would've blown his stack," (Pete Malloy is Jim Reed's partner). Moments later hitman Nate yells, "I wanna talk a deal," but subtitles read, "I wanna talk to Neil," and there isn't even anyone named Neil.
Other mistake: After being dispatched to the heart attack, when John and Roy have cardioverted the V-fib Brackett asks for another EKG strip, and when Brackett lifts the chart paper to read it, it just shows flatlining, no rhythm whatsoever.
The Wedsworth-Townsend Act - S1-E1
Other mistake: Before the car goes over the cliff, Dixie says that the woman has a fractured radius and ulna (forearm), and then at the hospital when Dr. Brackett talks to Dixie he says the same thing, but when Dr. Early walks into Brackett's office, he says "The woman with the busted fibula (lower leg), she's coming out of shock now."
Other mistake: When Chet Kelly breaks his glass that he was drying in the first shot after showing Station 51, Captain Hammer is on the phone and begins walking to Chet when he groans after breaking the glass. Then it switches to another shot where Marco Lopez yells "Medic!", and Captain Hammer reaches Chet. After that it switches to a shot where John Gage and Roy DeSoto walk over to Chet and the angle goes wide. At this point Captain Hammer hangs up the phone again and begins to walk over to Chet again. When it switches to the shot where Johnny and Roy reach Chet, Hammer is already there like he was when Marco yells for Johnny and Roy. No one else, like Mike Stoker, does this. (00:00:05)
Answer: I believe you are speaking of the old man, Mr. Wilson. He's played by J. Pat O'Malley.
Correct, it was J. Pat O'Malley...he also played the grandfather with his grandson when their rocket exploded, and also played "Old Bill" in the episode with Ann Prentiss, where Gage saves the little girl from the burning tree house, and her mother falls in love with him.