Continuity mistake: When Brackett asks Early and Morton to assist with the examination of the hallucinating veteran, in the shot from the hallway the doctors walk into treatment 1, its door has no window, but when it cuts to the shot from inside the room, its door has a window, which means they're all in treatment 2 or 3, not 1.
Continuity mistake: When Squad 51 is dispatched to the "possible assault victim," the address given is "743," but when John and Roy are at the scene the address on the house is 4015.
Continuity mistake: When Chet and Marco are hosing the gas meter fire, they are both wearing gloves while handling the hoses. However, after Roy helps Chet up from his stumble, there is a closeup of the hoses and it's a bare hand handling the hose.
Continuity mistake: Just after Brackett tells Early that the patient he was talking to is his father, it cuts to a shot of Squad 51 pulling up the driveway, and the Engine 51 we see parked in the apparatus bay is not the current Ward LaFrance pumper, it's the original Crown engine from seasons 1 and 2.
It's How You Play the Game - S4-E19
Continuity mistake: At the scene of the vehicle accident, when Roy's on the Biophone with Rampart the squad's lightbar is on properly, the center chrome piece has vertical slats that face forward. However, after the victim is removed from his vehicle, when Johnny's on the line with Rampart note the squad's lightbar again, the center chrome is now on backwards, the solid side faces forward.
It's How You Play the Game - S4-E19
Continuity mistake: When Squad 51 dispatched to 'man bitten by animal', the center chrome on lightbar is a solid piece, but en route the chrome center is striped and its trim is covered with black tape. Then when they approach the car lot, the black tape is gone.
It's How You Play the Game - S4-E19
Continuity mistake: When Johnny is in the ambulance with the car salesman that was bitten by the tiger, Johnny opens the man's shirt, but does not remove his western tie scarf. However, in the man's closeup the tie is open with the scarf slide removed, and then it's back to being tied with the slide.
It's How You Play the Game - S4-E19
Continuity mistake: While Johnny tells the other guys that the losers of the baseball game, between 51 and 36, will have to pay for the entire cost of the picnic, Chet's eating an apple which has less eaten by the time he tosses it into the garbage.
Continuity mistake: During the fire at the apartment complex, when John and Roy go into the apartment to rescue the woman, they throw a coat over her, but then the explosion occurs knocking John and the woman unconscious. When Roy puts her over his shoulder and starts walking out the coat is not over her, but when he gets to the balcony she's covered by the coat, yet when the Pasadena fireman goes back for John, that coat is still lying on the floor.
Continuity mistake: When the guys decide to eat lunch before resuming CPR practice, Chet puts the CPR mannequin upright beside the fridge. Chet's wearing his regular black shoes, and the CPR mannequin is wearing white sneakers. However, in the close-up of The Mouse crawling under the fridge, the leg we see near The Mouse is wearing a brown rubber firefighter's boot.
Continuity mistake: When Roy and Johnny get back to the station, Johnny asks Chet about the condition of the house after the fire, and in the wide shot Johnny has a really red pimple near his chin, but in his closeup the pimple has vanished, only to reappear in the next shot.
Continuity mistake: During the house fire, when Chet kicks the door twice he leaves dark marks on the door, but when he kicks the door a third time the marks on the door have vanished.
Continuity mistake: When the guys come out and are watching Herbert leave, they are all in their turnout pants. Stoker is wearing turnout pants with the blue jacket zipped. When the tones drop for the call, the guys go to the vehicles and grab their turn out jackets and Stoker is in his blue pants and blue shirt pulling on a turnout coat. Not turnouts and no navy jacket.
Continuity mistake: After Chet sees The Mouse run under the fridge, when the guys are discussing The Mouse Johnny's medical holster is clipped at his right hip, but when they're dispatched to 'man unconscious at laundromat' his medical holster is now at his left hip as he walks to the squad.
Continuity mistake: During the house fire, Marco's holding the hose behind Chet, while Chet is kicking open the front door just before it flashes, but in the next shot both Chet and Marco are manning the hose when the fire flashes, knocking them down the stairs.
Continuity mistake: At the apartment complex fire, after Truck 82 sets its outriggers, Engine 28 is right behind them with their supply line and duals laid out, but quite a few shots later Engine 28 is just pulling up behind 82, even though they were already there all set up.
Continuity mistake: During the fire at the apartment complex, when Cap talks to dispatch over the HT and requests a second alarm, we see Roy put up that first ladder, but after the Pasadena engine arrives, Roy's just putting up that first ladder. Second, after Engine 82 extends their outriggers, it cuts to the flames and we see that three ladders are already against the building, but then there are only two up - the third will go up a few shots later (when Roy reaches the balcony) Third, we see Roy start climbing the ladder that's farther from the camera (the one Johnny's holding), but when Roy reaches the balcony, he's climbing up the ladder that's closer to the camera.
Continuity mistake: When Station 51 is dispatched to 'plane crash into a structure' the address is given as 1145 Delmar Drive, but when they arrive at the apartment complex, the 3-storey structure's address is 775.
Continuity mistake: When Herbert is leaving the station, there are shots of him on the left edge of the bay doorway, but in the shots of the guys looking at Herbert, particularly Chet and Marco who are standing in front of the squad, it's as if Herbert is crawling around towards the center of the bay doorway - their eye contact is way off.
Continuity mistake: After leaving the football player who kicked in his TV screen, as Roy and John put the gear back in the squad, we see the old blue set of the Datascope 850 monitor and defibrillator, and not their current Datascope M/D2 white case. The last time the blue two-piece unit is even seen in the squad is in 4x13, "Parade", and the first time the white unit is used is in 4x15, "Transition", and it's then used in all following episodes. This scene was a prior taping, that was inserted into this end of the season episode.
Answer: I was rewatching a few first season episodes of Charlie's Angels (1976), and in S1xE6 "The Killing Kind," I recognized the same actor. So, to finally fully answer your question, the two baseball players in School Days are played by Rod Perry and Sean Fallon Walsh.
Super Grover ★